Florida STaR Survey
In the Fall of 2003, over 2,500 elementary, middle, and high schools in Florida responded to the STaR Survey. The STaR Survey is a comprehensive inventory of technology readiness. The following items from the 2003 STaR Survey relate to topics covered in this report.Instructional Areas and Labs
Number of classrooms: 130,024Teacher Workstations
Number of media centers: 2,755
Number of computer labs serving general education: 4,739
Number of computer labs serving special education: 1,405
Number of computer labs serving vocational education: 2,443
Number of mobile labs: 1,397Number of modern teacher workstations: 143,985Students Assigned Modern Computers
Number of modern teacher workstations that are mobile: 30,489Does your school provide individual students with a modern computer for their exclusive use while at school?How many students have been provided a modern computer for their exclusive use while at school?
Yes 255 schools (10.14% ) No 2259 schools (89.86% ) 33,128Are students allowed to take their assigned computer home?Internet Connection
Yes 85 schools (33.33%) No 170 schools (66.67%) Most common Internet connection:Digital Devices
73% T1
12% Fibered, wired, connected to another district location63% of schools reported that 100% of their instructional areas have direct connectivity to the Internet
85% of schools reported that their Internet connection is either dependable or very dependable(% of schools that have at least one of the following devices)Professional Development99% of schools have VCRs
97% of schools have projection devices
95% of schools have scanners
94% of schools have digital still cameras
80% of schools have digital video (or video/still combination) cameras
58% of schools have hand-held devices
58% of schools have DVD players
42% of schools have dedicated, portable word processors
26% of schools have graphing calculators (other than software-based)
11% of schools have digital probesWhat percentage of the money spent on technology for your school is devoted to professional development in technology-related training?Student Software UseAverage amount spent was: 14%
25% of the schools devoted 0% of the technology budget to PD
60% of the schools devoted 10% or less of the technology budget to PD
88% of the schools devoted 25% or less of the technology budget to PDWhich phrase best characterizes the primary way in which students at your school use technology in their class work?Approach to Technology Use
58% Testing and practicing for skill mastery in core curriculum areas 35% Researching and presenting by individual students on a variety of topics in several subject areas 4% Collaborating to propose, assess, and implement solutions to real-world problems 2% Working with other students to analyze data and evaluate information 1% Students do not use technology in their class work Which of the following is the most common approach to technology use in your school?
Technology is most commonly used as a
48% supplement to instruction (e.g. programs or games used for skill practice). 22% tool for providing instruction (e.g. integrated learning system) 15% tool integrated into core curriculum areas (e.g. word processors, spreadsheets, probes, etc.) 9% tool embedded in daily instruction for all curriculum areas (e.g. word processors, spreadsheets, probes, etc.) 6% method for delivery of instruction (e.g. lectures with PowerPoint, etc.)