Maps ETC > Google Earth Help Google Earth Help
How do I use the Google Earth files from Maps ETC?
Click on the "Google Earth" link under the Maps ETC map that you would like to import into Google Earth. A file with the extension KMZ will download to your computer. If you are not sure where the file downloaded to, check your browser's download window. Once you have located the KMZ file, double-click on it and if you have Google Earth installed on your computer, the application will launch and the Maps ETC map will overlay Google Earth at the right coordinates. Of course, if the map is very old and was not drawn accurately, the fit will be less than perfect. If you do not have the Google Earth application installed on your computer, you can download a free copy.
Google Earth Basics Tutorials
- Downloading and Installing Google Earth (1m15s, 1.3 MB)
This movie shows you how to download and install Google Earth for the Mac. Google Earth is a free digital globe program from Google.
- Finding a Location (51s, 2 MB)
Learn how to find any location in the world in Google Earth.
- Zooming (1m6s, 2.3 MB)
There are many ways to change the zoom level in Google Earth. Learn how to change the zoom level using the controls as well as an external mouse.
- Panning (29s, 948 KB)
Learn how to pan around in Google Earth.
- Tilting (36s, 2.5 MB)
This is one of my favorite features in Google Earth, the ability to tilt your view until you have more of a three dimensional view.
- Rotating (22s, 2.4 MB)
This movie shows you how to change your orientation in Google Earth.
- Saving Locations to My Places (26s, 576 KB)
This movie shows you how to save a location to My Places so you can go back to it at a later time.
- Adding Placemarks (41s, 964 KB)
This movie shows you how to add a placemark in Google Earth.
- Saving Placemarks in a .kmz File (1m3s, 1.4 MB)
This movie shows you how to save several bookmarks to a folder in My Places, then how to export the folder as a .kmz file you can share with other people.
- Opening a .kmz File (36s, 856 KB)
This movie shows you how to open a .kmz file in Google Earth. A .kmz file can be used to share placemarks with other people who have Google Earth installed on their computers.
- Creating a Tour with Placemarks (59s, 2 MB)
Learn how to use placemarks to can create a virtual tour in Google Earth.
- Displaying Layers (31s, 660 KB)
This movie shows you how to display layers in Google Earth. Layers make it easier to find locations by showing an overlay of major roads. They can also be used to display the location of hotels and restaurants.
- Diplaying Featured Content (55s, 1.2 MB)
Google has partnered with several companies to provide featured content such as images. In this movie, learn how to access featured content from Panoramio, Wikipedia and National Geographic Magazine.
- Using Google Search (43s, 980 KB)
Google searches are integrated into Google Earth. Learn how to find the location of businesses using Google Earth.
- Driving Directions (1m1s, 3.5 MB)
Learn how to use Google Earth to get driving directions. Google Earth can even do a 3D tour over the path you would be following to get to your destination.
- Using the Ruler to Estimate Distance (47s, 996 KB)
Google Earth includes a ruler you can use to get an estimate of the distance between two points. This movie shows you how to use the ruler tool.
- Path Tool (59s, 2.3 MB)
This movie shows you how to use the path tool to build your own virtual fly-by.
- Adding Image Overlays (41s, 992 KB)
You can make your maps more interesting by adding image overlays over an area. This movie shows you how to add an overlay.
- Printing and Emailing Google Earth Images (49s, 1.4 MB)
Learn how to print and email images of locations you have found in Google Earth.
Maps ETC is a part of the Educational Technology Clearinghouse.
Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology © 2009
College of Education, University of South Florida.