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Occupational Outlook

Students will achieve a better understanding of careers through the collection and analyzation of spreadsheet data.


Students will be able to analyze collected data to determine the occupational outlook for a variety of careers.


  • Make a list of 10 adults you know, at least 9 of whom work outside of education.
  • Write down the types of jobs they do. Use broad categories. (For example, if your neighbor works at Dillard's, she is employed in retail sales. If your uncle works for Century 21, he is in real estate.)
  • Then, use the jobs as the basis for a spreadsheet showing the training, average salary, and prospects for growth for each job.
  • Use the Internet sources below to gather your data:

  • Create a chart from the data and save it as a jpg to use as your image for a web page.
  • Add a page to your web site entitled "Occupational Outlook."
  • On this page, analyze the data you have collected. Be sure to introduce the topic and write a conclusion consistent with your evidence.

Sunshine State Standards

  • SS.D.2.4.2
  • MA.E.1.4.1

NETS Profiles for Technology Literate Students

  • Select and apply technology tools for research, information analysis, problem solving, and decision making in content learning.
  • Collaborate with peers, experts, and others to contribute to a content-related knowledge base by using technology to compile, synthesize, produce, and disseminate information, models, and other creative works.


  • Laptops
  • Internet Access
  • AppleWorks software
  • SchoolPage software


  • Students may use Ezedia QTI to create interactive presentations.
  • Students may create an interactive table illustrating the occupational outlook for a variety of careers.

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   ETC > NSA Home > Social Studies 9-12 > Occupational Outlook