Request for Proposal (RFP) for Competitive Projects
Bureau / Office
K-12 Public Schools / Bureau of Instruction and Innovation
Program Name
Mathematics and Science Partnerships “Digital Math: Developing standards for content”
Specific Funding Authority (ies)
P.L. 107-110, No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Title II, Part B, Sections 2201, 2202, 2203, CFDA #84.366B
Funding Purpose / Priorities
The Digital Math program is part of the Mathematics and Science Partnership (MSP), which is a formula grant program that supports improved academic achievement of students in the areas of mathematics and science through enhanced training of teachers. The grant is awarded to partnerships consisting of high-need school districts and science, mathematics, and engineering departments within universities and colleges, giving districts and arts and science faculty joint responsibility for improving mathematics and science instruction.
The four priorities for this program are:
Target Population(s)
K-12 Florida Public School Students and Teachers
Eligible Applicant(s)
High-need Local Education Agencies (LEA). Please see the following definition of a high-need LEA.
· The percent of district mathematics scores identified as not meeting proficiency for Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP defined as level 3 or higher) for 3 out of 5 of grades 5 – 9 are below the state average for either 2005 or 2006 FCAT data reports
· No less than 40% of the children served are eligible for free or reduced lunch
· There are secondary mathematics teachers in need of content and/or pedagogical
professional development
Application Due Date
Proposals are due in Grants Management by the close of business November 3, 2006. The due date refers to the date of receipt in Grants Management. Facsimile and email submissions are not acceptable.
Total Funding Amount / Approximate Number of Awards
$800,000. There will be one (1) award for this project.
Budget / Performance Period
November 1, 2006 – June 30, 2007
Contact Persons
Katrice Green, Bureau of Instruction and Innovation, (850) 245-0830, Suncom 205-0830
Kynder Crossner, Office of Grants Management, (850) 245-0722, Suncom 205-0722
The Florida Department of Education has developed and implemented a document entitled, General Terms, Assurances and Conditions for Participation in Federal and State Programs, to comply with:
§ 34 CFR 76.301 of the Education Department General Administration Regulations (EDGAR) which requires local educational agencies to submit a common assurance for participation in federal programs funded by the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE);
§ Applicable regulations of other Federal agencies; and
§ State regulations and laws pertaining to the expenditure of state funds.
In order to receive funding, applicants must have on file with the Florida Department of Education, Office of the Comptroller, a signed statement by the agency head certifying applicant adherence to these General Assurances for Participation in State or Federal Programs. The complete text may be found at:
* * *
School Districts, Community Colleges, Universities, and State Agencies
The certification of adherence filed with the Department of Education Comptroller’s Office shall remain in effect indefinitely unless a change occurs in federal or state law, or there are other changes in circumstances affecting a term, assurance, or condition; and does not need to be resubmitted with this application.
Narrative Components / Scoring Criteria
The standard scoring criteria are based on a 100 point scale, with a minimum score of 70 points necessary for an application to be considered for funding.
The instructions follow each narrative component. The bulleted statements are the criteria that will be used by proposal reviewers to score each component.
Abstract or Summary
_N/A points
Provide a brief
summary of the project by describing the proposed project and how it addresses
all four priorities.
· The project and all four priorities are addressed in a brief summary.
2. Project Need _10_points
Describe the need for the project and provide supporting data as evidence. Identify specific gaps or weaknesses in teacher and student mathematic knowledge and achievement addressed by the proposal.
· The need is evident, compelling, and clearly linked to the outcome(s) of the project.
· The need for the project is strongly justified through supportive data.
· The gaps and/or weaknesses in teacher and student mathematic knowledge and achievement addressed are clearly explained and supported with data.
3. Project Design and Implementation _50__points
Describe the measurable objectives, activities, and timeline for the project. Clearly identify the designer’s experience in the development and implementation of digital content for professional development of teachers. Explain the LEAs characteristics and attributes for highly qualified mathematics teachers. Describe the innovative method for disseminating digital content for professional development in the area of mathematics. Provide a detailed description of the partnership that will design and implement the MSP. The partnership may include K-12 public schools, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) faculty, post-secondary institutes, and/or businesses.
· The objectives are measurable, qualitative, challenging, yet achievable, and address all outcomes of the project.
· It is evident that activities/methods are comprehensive and likely to result in achievement of objectives.
· The timelines are specific, realistic, and consistent with measurable objectives and outcomes.
· The partnership includes K-12 public schools, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) faculty, post-secondary institutes, and/or businesses.
4. Evaluation _10_points
Describe the instruments and method(s) for evaluating the project.
· The evaluation instruments are appropriate to effectively measure program success.
· The evaluation methods are comprehensive, likely to result in a successful project, and include an effective approach for using evaluation results to guide necessary adjustments to the project.
Describe how the proposed project will address the reading
initiative. Incorporate one or more of the Florida State Board of Education
(SBE) Strategic Imperatives.
· The project utilizes a comprehensive plan for integrating pertinent aspects of the Just Read, Florida! initiative.
· The applicant has included effective methods for incorporating one or more of the SBE Strategic Imperatives.
Describe the methods /strategies to disseminate and market information about the project to appropriate populations. Identify the products that will be produced and how they will be shared with other districts. This may include professional development, digital content for students, technical assistance, etc. in the form of websites, documents, videos, podcasts, etc. Describe how parents will be informed about the opportunities available to them through this project. Describe how information about your project will be shared with any additional stakeholders in your project. Each project must maintain a project website that includes a copy of the proposal. A section of the website must be devoted to ongoing progress in meeting the proposal goals. The website shall be updated at least once a month during the project period and the date of the latest update shall be displayed on the site. Include the URL at which the project website will be available. The website must be posted within one month of notification of award. Describe your plan to create and maintain this site.
· The applicant’s dissemination plan uses effective and realistic means to reach the appropriate target populations.
· The methods/strategies used to share services provided by the project are innovative and will clearly benefit the target population.
· The proposal identifies the products that will be produced and how they will be shared with other districts. This may include professional development, digital content for students, technical assistance, etc. in the form of websites, documents, videos, podcasts, etc.
· The proposal describes how parents will be informed about the opportunities available to them through this project.
· The proposal describes how information about your project will be shared with any additional stakeholders in your project.
· The proposal maintains a project website that includes a copy of the proposal. A section of the website must be devoted to ongoing progress in meeting the proposal goals. The website shall be updated at least once a month during the project period and the date of the latest update shall be displayed on the site. Include the URL at which the project website will be available. The website must be posted within one month of notification of award. Describe your plan to create and maintain this site.
Present a budget that reflects
objectives and proposed costs of the project.
· The project budget presents expenses that are realistic, accurate, clearly relate to and reflect project activities, objectives, and outcomes.
· The justifications for expenditures are reasonable and clearly explained.
· The required personnel, professional and technical services, and/or travel for the project are clearly and adequately explained.
Funding Method
Federal Cash Advance
On-line reporting required monthly to record expenditures. Federal cash advances will be made by state warrant or electronic funds transfer (EFT) to a recipient for disbursements. For federally funded projects, requests for federal cash advance must be made on the Electronic Federal Cash Advance Request System. If at times it is determined that disbursements are going to exceed the amount of cash on hand plus cash in transit, an on-line amendment can be made prior to the due date of the next Federal Cash Advance distribution on the Electronic Federal Cash Advance Request System.
Fiscal Requirements
Supporting documentation for expenditures is required for all funding methods. Examples of such documentation include: invoices with check numbers verifying payment, and/or bank statements; all or any of which must be available upon request.
Fiscal Management Training
All award recipients are required to attend annual Grant Fiscal Management training provided by the Florida Department of Education.
Project Performance Accountability and Reporting Requirements
The Department’s program managers will track each project’s performance based on the information provided in the Performance Expectation section, pages 8-19.
Notice of Intent-to-Apply
The due date to notify the Program contact person Katrice Green of Intent-to-Apply is October 13, 2006.
This notification can be sent as an e-mail or fax message and should include a return e-mail address. Providing the Intent-to-Apply is not required for an application to be considered, but assists the applicant by assuring receipt of answers to frequently asked questions and competition updates. Conversely, eligible organizations which file Intent-to-Apply are not required to apply.
Method of Answering Frequently Asked Questions or Providing Changes
Frequently Asked Questions related to this proposal will be answered via list-serve. Notify the contact person, Katrice Green, to be placed on the list-serve. The last date that questions will be answered is October 27, 2006.
Method of Review
A peer review process will be used to evaluate the “Digital Math: Developing standards for content” competitive proposals submitted for review. Proposal evaluations will be conducted by professional educators who have considerable experience in the following areas: curriculum development, research, mathematics, science, technology, project management and evaluation.
Conditions for Acceptance
The requirements listed below must be met for applications to be considered for review:
· Application is received within the FDOE by the close of business on the due date;
· Application includes required forms:
o DOE 100A or 100B Application Form bearing the original signature of the Superintendent for the school district or the agency head for other agencies.
o DOE 101-Budget Narrative.
NOTE: Applications signed by officials other than the appropriate agency head must have a letter signed by the agency head or documentation citing action of the governing body delegating authority to the person to sign on behalf of said official.
· Signed certification signifying compliance with the “General Assurances for Participation in Federal and State Programs,” (if not already on file in the FDOE Comptroller’s Office).
Other Requirements - For Federal Programs
· General Education Provisions Act (GEPA)
A current fiscal year General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) plan is required; applicant must submit a copy of their plan with this application. In accordance with the requirements of Section 427 of the GEPA Public Law 103-382, a one-page description of the steps proposed by the District or other entity to ensure equitable access to, and participation of students, teachers, and other program beneficiaries with special needs must be submitted.
· For Private School Participation
In accordance with P.L. 107-110, No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Title IX, Part E Uniform Provisions, Subpart 1, Section 9501, the applicant must provide a detailed plan of action for providing consultation for equitable services to private school children and teachers with the local education agency(ies) service area. For details, refer to URL:
· Technical/Format
Proposals may not exceed 25 pages and must be unbound, printed with a font size of at least 12, and include top and bottom margins of at least 1-inch and side margins of at least ½-inch. Three complete copies of the proposals should be submitted.
Application must be submitted to:
Office of Grants Management
Florida Department of Education
325 W. Gaines Street, Room 332
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400
Project Performance Accountability
The Florida Department of Education has developed a standardized format for applicants to use in preparing their proposals / applications for discretionary funds. The intent of this process is to assure proper accountability for the use of federal and state funds. The Department has implemented a web-based Grants Management System and the information provided about each funded project will be entered into this system. The Department’s program managers will track each project’s performance based on the information provided in this section of the approved project.
This information will:
ü Provide a centralized capability for retrieving information about various discretionary projects awarded by the Department.
ü Assist policy-makers and managers in monitoring discretionary funds and the impact they are having.
ü Provide baseline information that can be used in assessing the alignment of funding to goals and strategic imperatives and in allocating available funding to priority needs.
ü Facilitate effective project monitoring.
Types of project performance have been organized into four categories. These are:
ü Deliverables: Category Includes: Documents such as manuals, reports, videos, CD ROMs, training materials, brochures, and any other tangible product to be developed by the project.
ü Training, Technical Assistance, and Dissemination: Category Includes: All training and technical assistance (TA) activities whether provided onsite, through distance learning media, conferences, workshops, or other delivery strategies.
ü Student Performance: Category Includes: Any measure that is specific to student performance (e.g., test scores, attendance, behavior, award of diplomas, certificates, etc. “Students” may include pre-k, K-12, and adult learners as well as parents.
ü Service Delivery: Category Includes: Delivery of intended services to target population (e.g., adult literacy services, child find services, student evaluation services, etc.)
For each type of performance for which a project will be held accountable, the applicant must complete the information specified in the attached forms. Use only those forms and types of performance applicable to the project. Instructions are provided for the completion of each form.
Selected projects are required to obtain independent, formal, third-party evaluations. Other projects elect to obtain such evaluations. If the proposal or application includes a required or optional third-party evaluation, a form and instructions for describing the proposal evaluation are provided.
Deliverables: Manuals, reports, videos, CD ROMs, training materials, brochures, and any other tangible product to be developed by the project
(1) Name of Deliverable and Brief Description |
(2) Standard(s) for Acceptance |
(3) Due Date(s) |
Deliverables: Manuals, reports, videos, CD ROMs, training materials, brochures, and any other tangible product to be developed by the project
(1) For each deliverable to be completed by the project, enter in Column (1), the name of the deliverable and provide a brief description. The name should be identified from the following list. The description should indicate the purpose of the deliverable, including the target audience and should indicate the type of content to be provided in the deliverable. For example, “Brochure for parents of retained students explaining options for assistance.” Any required reports should also be included in this section.
Announcement Brochure CD Rom Curriculum Database Database Analysis Display DVD Evaluation Instrument Guidelines Instructional Materials |
Lesson Plans Manual Needs Assessment Newsletter Policy Paper Poster Public Service Announcement Report Report Format Screening Device Software |
Survey Teacher’s Guides Technical Assistance Paper Training Materials – Handout Training Materials – Presentation PowerPoint) Training Modules - Online Video Website Workbook Other |
(2) For each deliverable identified in Column (1), specify all of the proposed standards that should be used to determine whether the deliverable meets the expectations for the project. The standards should be selected from the following list and any additional detail appropriate to each standard should be provided. For example, if one of the standards is “Meets technical specifications,” the descriptions should outline the proposed technical standards.
ADA Compliant Appropriate for Duplication Appropriately Organized Attractive Content Accurate Content Complete Design and Content Appropriate to Intended Audience |
Format Consistent with Content and Intended Audience Grammatically Correct Includes Copyright and Funding Information Meets technical specifications Peer Review Readability Level is Appropriate to Audience
Review by DOE Staff Review by Other Entity Sufficient Copies Provided Translated into Appropriate Languages User-Friendly Other
Provide in Column (3), the date when the deliverable will be complete. Interim dates for drafts, review, etc., should also be provided as applicable.
Training, Technical Assistance, and Dissemination: All training and technical assistance (TA) activities whether provided onsite, through distance learning media, conferences, workshops, or other delivery strategies
(1) Name of Activity and Brief Description |
(2) Quantity and Quality Standards for Acceptance |
(3) Method of Documentation |
(4) Critical Timelines |
Training, Technical Assistance, and Dissemination: All training and technical assistance (TA) activities whether provided onsite, through distance learning media, conferences, workshops, or other delivery strategies
(1) For each training, technical assistance or dissemination activity to be completed by the project, enter in Column (1), the name of the activity and provide a brief description. The name should be identified from the following list. The description should indicate the purpose of the activity, including the target audience and should indicate the type of content to be provided. For example, “Training for third grade teachers of reading in use of multiple instructional strategies.”
Coaching Conference Coursework at Institutions of Higher Education Dissemination though the Media Dissemination Through Internet Distance Learning Distribution of Media (Software, Videos, CD ROMs, etc.) |
Distribution of Printed Material Exhibits Follow-up to Training Activities In-service Training Mentoring One-On-One Training
On-Site Technical Assistance Preservice Training Seminars Telephone Technical Assistance Workshop(s) Other |
(2) For each activity identified in Column (1), specify all of the proposed standards that should be used to determine whether the activity meets the expectations for the project. The standards should be selected from the following list and any additional detail appropriate to each standard should be provided. For example, if one of the standards is “Participant Feedback Indicative of Usefulness,” the descriptions should outline how participant feedback will be gathered and assessed.
Appropriately Organized Content Accurate Content Complete Delivery Appropriate to Content and Audience
Design and Content Appropriate to Intended Audience Use of Consultants Follow-up Data Indicative of Effectiveness Format Consistent with Content and Intended Audience |
Grammatically Correct Meets Technical Specifications Participant Feedback Indicative of Usefulness Replicable User-Friendly Other |
(3) Provide in Column (3), the information/materials which will be provided (or otherwise available) to document the performance of the project.
Agreements Analysis of Requests and Responses Anecdotal Data Contracts Evaluation Summaries List of Participants |
NRS Report Observation by DOE Staff Participant Competency Evaluations Participant Feedback Summaries Peer Review Purchase Orders |
Self-Reporting Sign-in Sheets Travel Itineraries Verification of Dissemination to Target Audiences Other |
(4) Provide in Column (4), the critical timelines for completion of each activity taking into consideration announcements of training availability, delivery of training, completion of follow-up, etc.
Student Performance: Any measure that is specific to student performance; e.g., test scores, attendance, behavior, award of diplomas, certificates, etc. Students may include pre-k, K-12, and adult learners
(1) Name of Performance and Brief Description |
(2) Method of Evaluating Performance |
(3) Method of DOE Verification |
(4) Timelines for Data Collection |
Student Performance: Any measure that is specific to student performance; e.g., test scores, attendance, behavior, award of diplomas, certificates, etc. Students may include pre-k, K-12, and adult learners
(1) For each type of student performance to be impacted by the project, enter in Column (1), the name of the performance from the following list and provide a brief description. The description should describe the student population and provide detail about the expected student performance. For example, “Academic Achievement – Reading: Low-performing 3rd grade students in Smith Elementary School will increase by 1 level on the FCAT .”
Academic Achievement – Language Arts Academic Achievement – Math Academic Achievement – Reading Academic Achievement – Science Academic Achievement – Social Studies Academic Achievement – Writing Achievement – Arts Achievement – Other Achievement – Vocational Education Attendance Award of Certificate Career Advancement Retention Decrease in Disciplinary Actions Decrease in Drop-out Rate Decrease in Suspensions/Expulsions
Diploma Enrollments GED High School Credential Job Placement Job Retention Improvement in Behavior Increased Self-Sufficiency Through Use of Technology Literacy Completion Points Non-Traditional Enrollments Occupational Completion Points Parental Involvement in Education of Dependent Children Parental Involvement in Literacy Activities of Dependent Children |
Participation in Assessment Participation in Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Placements, Retention, Completions (postsecondary JOBS) Postsecondary Education Placement Postsecondary Education Completion Program Completion Promotion to Next Grade Satisfactory Completion of Coursework Secondary Credential State-Adopted Assessment Workplace Readiness Completion Other
(2) For each student identified in Column (1), specify all of the proposed standards from the following list that should be used to determine whether the performance meets the expectations for the project. Any additional detail appropriate to each standard should be provided. For example, if one of the standards is “Graduation Data,” the description should outline how the data will be gathered and what level of graduation rate is expected.
Anecdotal Data AYP Determination Disciplinary Referrals FCAT GED Data
Graduation Data Observation Participation Records Placement Data Portfolios
Progress Monitoring Promotion Data School Grades Standardized Tests Suspension/Expulsion Data Other |
Student Performance (continued)
(3) Provide in Column 3, the information/materials which will be provided (or otherwise available) to document the performance of the project.
Agreements Analysis of Requests and Responses Anecdotal Data Contracts Evaluation Summaries List of Participants |
NRS Report Observation by DOE Staff Participant Competency Evaluations Participant Feedback Summaries Peer Review Purchase Orders |
Self-Reporting Sign-in Sheets Travel Itineraries Verification of Dissemination to Target Audiences Other |
(4) Provide in Column (4), the critical timelines for completion of each activity taking into consideration announcements of training availability, delivery of training, completion of follow-up, etc.
Service Delivery: Delivery of intended services to target population; e.g., adult literacy services, child find services, student evaluation services, etc.
(1) Name of Service and Brief Description |
(2) Standard(s) for Acceptance |
(3) Method of DOE Verification |
(4) Timeline for Service Delivery |
Service Delivery: Delivery of intended services to target population; e.g., adult literacy services, child find services, student evaluation services, etc.
(1) For each type of service to be delivered by the project, enter in Column (1), the name of the performance from the following list and provide a brief description. The description should describe the service and provide detailed information about the nature of the service to be delivered. For example, “Mentoring—The project will provide trained adult mentors to work at least once per week with elementary students who have scored Level I or II on the FCAT in reading or math.”
Adult Literacy Activities Career, Technical Education Interagency Collaboration Mentoring Neighborhood Self-Sufficiency Through Collaboration Participation in Defined Program (e.g., After-School) |
Referrals for Other Services Statewide Leadership Activities Student Evaluation/Assessment Adult Literacy Activities Career, Technical Education Interagency Collaboration Mentoring
Neighborhood Self-Sufficiency Through Collaboration Participation in Defined Program (e.g., After-School) Referrals for Other Services Statewide Leadership Activities Student Evaluation/Assessment Other |
(2) For each service identified in Column (1), specify from the following list all of the proposed standards that should be used to determine whether the performance meets the expectations for the project. Any additional detail appropriate to each standard should be provided. For example, if one of the standards is “Mentoring is appropriate to identified needs,” the description should specify of the identified needs and indicate of how the project will determine that mentoring is appropriate.”
Mentoring Is Appropriate to Identified Needs Participation Rate Meets Established Minimums Quality of Service Meets Generally Accepted Guidelines
Quantity of Evaluations/Assessments Meet Established Minimums Quantity of Mentoring Meets Established Minimums Quantity of Service Meets Established Minimums Referrals Are Appropriate to Identified Needs |
Specified Agencies Collaborate Students Evaluations/Assessments Are Administered Appropriately Units of Service Meet Established Minimums Other |
(3) Provide in Column (3), the information/materials which will be provided (or otherwise available) to document the performance of the project.
Agreements Anecdotal Data Attendance Records Case Records Contracts List of Participants |
Meeting Agendas Meeting Minutes NRS Observation by DOE Staff Participant Feedback Summaries
Purchase Orders Sign-in Sheets State-Approved Assessments Travel Itineraries Other
(4) Provide in Column (4), the critical timelines for service delivery including initiation and termination dates, for example.
Formal Third-Party Evaluation: A formal evaluation conducted by a party not employed by the fiscal agent either under contract with the project recipient or under the auspices of the FDOE
(1) Scope of Evaluation and Brief Description |
(2) Type of Entity Conducting Evaluation |
(3) Date(s) Evaluation to Be Conducted |
Formal Third-Party Evaluation: A formal evaluation conducted by a party not employed by the fiscal agent either under contract with the project recipient or under the auspices of the FDOE
If a formal third-party evaluation is required or proposed for this project the following information must be provided.
(1) In column (1), specify the scope of the evaluation using one or more of the descriptors provided below. Provide additional information regarding the nature of the evaluation. For example, if the evaluation will cover only selected elements of the project, specify the elements to be evaluated.
All Aspects of Project Compliance Review Formative Evaluation |
Outcome Assessment Process Review
Selected Elements of Project Summative Evaluation
(2) In column (2) indicate the type of entity from the following list which will be conducting the third-party evaluation. Provide any additional information which may be available about the entity to conduct the evaluation such as selection criteria or qualifications.
Board/Commission/Task Force Consultant Firm DOE Funded Project
Governmental Agency Independent Entity Selected by Project Individual Consultant
Institution of Higher Education Selected Peer Reviewers Other
(3) Provide in Column (3), the date(s) when the evaluation will be conducted including the date for completion of reports.