War in Virginia

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“The war in Virginia- officers and men of Meade’s army discovering unburied Federal dead on the old battlefield of Bull Run. Our sketch was taken on the ground where the Fifth Corps was repulsed on the second day of the battle of Groveton in 1862. The old railroad embankment and cut where the Confederates held their position, defying the efforts of the Federals, who lost so terribly in the attempt, appear on the right, while in front a group of officers and men are gazing on the unburied remains of gallant men, which claim a sepulchre soon given them. Our correspondent wrote: ‘In the long, luxuriant grass one strikes his foot against skulls and bones, mingled with the deadly missiles that brought them to the earth. Hollow skulls lie contiguous to the hemispheres of exploded shells. The shallow graves rise here and there above the grass, sometimes in rows, sometimes alone, or scattered at irregular intervals.’"— Frank Leslie, 1896


Frank Leslie Famous Leaders and Battle Scenes of the Civil War (New York, NY: Mrs. Frank Leslie, 1896)


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