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The anatomy of a horse. 1, ears; 2, forelock; 3, forehead; 4, eyes; 5, eye-pits; 6, nose; 7, nostril; 8, point of nose; 9, lips; 10, nether jaw; 11, cheek; 12, poll; 13, mane; 14, withers; 15, parotid glands; 16, throat; 17, neck; 18, jugular vein; 19, shoulder; 20, breast; 21, ribs; 22, back; 23, loins; 24, hip; 25, flank; 26, belly; 27, haunch; 28, thigh; 29, buttock; 30, stifle; 31, leg; 32, tail; 33, hock or hough; 34, cannon or shank bone; 35, arms; 36, knees; 37, passage for girth; 38, elbow; 39, shank; 40, bullet; 41, pasterns; 42, coronet; 43, foot; 44, hoof; 45, fetlock.


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