A, Three colored blood corpuscles. B, Three colorless blood corpuscles acted on by acetic acid; the nuclei are very clearly visible.

Colorless and Colored Blood Corpuscles

A, Three colored blood corpuscles. B, Three colorless blood corpuscles acted on by acetic acid; the…

Acetic acid (dilute) causes the nucleus of the red blood cells in the frog to become more clearly defined; if the action is prolonged, the nucleus becomes strongly granulated, and all the coloring matter seems to be concentrated in it, the surrounding cell substance and outline of the cell becoming almost invisible; after a time the cells lose their color altogether. The cells shown represent the successive stages of change. A similar loss of color occurs in the red cells of human blood, which , however, from the absence of nuclei, seem to disappear entirely.

Effect of Acetic Acid on Red Blood Cells

Acetic acid (dilute) causes the nucleus of the red blood cells in the frog to become more clearly defined;…