The Greek Griffin is associated with Antiquity and fire, usually appears on Candelabras and friezes. The Griffin has the body of a Lion and the head and wings of an Eagle.

Greek Griffin

The Greek Griffin is associated with Antiquity and fire, usually appears on Candelabras and friezes.…

The Renaissance Griffin is associated with Antiquity and fire, it appears on Candelabras and friezes. The Griffin has the body of a Lion and the head and wings of an Eagle.

Griffin Renaissance

The Renaissance Griffin is associated with Antiquity and fire, it appears on Candelabras and friezes.…

The Roman Griffin has the body of a Lion and the head and wings of an Eagle. The Griffin is usually associated with Antiquity and fire, and appears on Candelabras and friezes.

Roman Griffin

The Roman Griffin has the body of a Lion and the head and wings of an Eagle. The Griffin is usually…

The base of the column, torus, displays a concave molding called a scotia. This type of base was not present in the Greek Doric architecture, but are present throughout Ionic and Corinthian columns. The column is fluted. The Erechtheum, or Erechtheion is an ancient Greek temple on the north side of the Acropolis in Athens, Greece. a. sotia.

The Base of an Ionic Column at the Erechtheum

The base of the column, torus, displays a concave molding called a scotia. This type of base was not…

"The most famous of all the war-dances of antiquity, is said to have received its name from one Pyrrichos, or, according to others, from Pyrrhus or Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles. Critical scholars, however, content themselves with a general inference deduced from the substantial harmony of the various mythical or legendary accounts given of its origin, that it was a Doric invention." — Chambers, 1881

Pyrrhic Dance

"The most famous of all the war-dances of antiquity, is said to have received its name from one Pyrrichos,…

A greek vase of Serapis, an Egyptian god in Antiquity.

Greek Vase of Serapis

A greek vase of Serapis, an Egyptian god in Antiquity.