Pictured are various types of nuts. (1) Peruvian almond husk above, nut below, (2) Tabebuia, (3) Betel nut, (4) Chilian nut, (5) Pistachio, (6) Pili nut, (7) Marking nut, (8) Water chestnut, and (9) Singhara Nut.


Pictured are various types of nuts. (1) Peruvian almond husk above, nut below, (2) Tabebuia, (3) Betel…

An evergreen vine which attaches itself to the ground like ivy. The betel pepper has larger berries than most peppers. In the East Indies and South Pacific inhabitants consider the betel pepper as a necessity of life, and the leaf, with quicklime and the areca nut is chewed.

Betel pepper

An evergreen vine which attaches itself to the ground like ivy. The betel pepper has larger berries…