The Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum) is a species of thrasher, part of a family of New World birds (Mimidae) that includes New World catbirds and mockingbirds. The Brown Thrasher is brown or reddish-brown above, with a white breast and throat streaked with brown, and two white bars on each wing. It has a long tail, and its beak is also relatively large and somewhat curved. Adults average about 29 cm (11.5 inches) in length.

Brown Thrasher

The Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum) is a species of thrasher, part of a family of New World birds (Mimidae)…

"Upper parts uniform rust-red, with a bronzy lustre. Concealed portions of quills fuscous. Greater the median wing-coverts blackish near the end, then conspicuously tipped with white. Bastard quills like the coverts. Tail like the back, the lateral feathers with paler ends. Under pars white, more or less strongly tinged, especially on the breast, flanks, and crissum, with tawney or pale cinnamon-brown, the breast and sides marked with a profusion of well-defined spots of dark brown, oval in front, becoming more linear posteriorly. Throat immaculate, bordered with a necklace or spots; middle of belly and under tail-coverts likewise unspotted. Bill quite straight, black, with yellow base of the lower mandible; feet pale; iris yellow or orange." Elliot Coues, 1884

Brown Thrasher

"Upper parts uniform rust-red, with a bronzy lustre. Concealed portions of quills fuscous. Greater the…