Human fetus in the third month of development, with the brain and spinal cord exposed from behind.

Brain and Spinal Cord of Fetus

Human fetus in the third month of development, with the brain and spinal cord exposed from behind.

The cerebral hemispheres viewed from above.

Brain Viewed From Above

The cerebral hemispheres viewed from above.

Gyri and sulci, on the outer surface of the cerebral hemisphere. Labels: f1, sulcus frontalis superior; f2, sulcus frontalis inferior; f.m., sulcus frontalis medius; p.m., sulcus paramedialis; A, pars basilaris; B, pars triangularis; C, pars orbitalis; S, Sylvian fissure; s1, anterior horizontal limb (Sylvian fissure); s2, posterior horizontal limb (Sylvian fissure); p.c.i., inferior praecentral sulcus; p.c.s., superior praecentral sulcus; r, fissure of Rolando; g.s., superior genu; g.i., inferior genu; d, sulcus diagonalis; t1, superior temporal sulcus (parallel); t2, inferior temporal sulcus; p1, inferior postcentral sulcus; p2. superior postcentral sulcus; p3, ramus horizontalis; p4, ramus occipitalis; s.o.t., sulcus occipitalis transversus; c.m., callosomarginal sulcus; c.t.r., inferior transverse furrow.

Gyri and Sulci on the Brain

Gyri and sulci, on the outer surface of the cerebral hemisphere. Labels: f1, sulcus frontalis superior;…

Diagram of the outer surface of left cerebral hemisphere to illustrate the localization of functions. The motor area is shaded in vertical and transverse lines: Sy, fissure of Sylvius; an, angular gyrus or convolution; Ro, fissure of Rolando; Fv, frontal lobe; Pa, parietal lobe; Te, temporal lobe. Only a very few of the more important fissures are indicated.

Cerebral Hemisphere Showing Localization of Function

Diagram of the outer surface of left cerebral hemisphere to illustrate the localization of functions.…

Diagram of the leading association bundles of the cerebral hemisphere. A, Outer aspect of hemisphere. B, Inner aspect of hemisphere.

Association Bundles of the Cerebral Hemispheres

Diagram of the leading association bundles of the cerebral hemisphere. A, Outer aspect of hemisphere.…

Two coronal sections through the cerebral hemisphere of an orangoutang, in the plan of the anterior commissure. A, Section through the left hemisphere n a plane a short distance behind B, which is a section through the right hemisphere.

Coronal Sections of the Cerebral Hemispheres

Two coronal sections through the cerebral hemisphere of an orangoutang, in the plan of the anterior…