"Lioncels combatant. LIONCELS. Two or more lions. COMBATANT. A French word for fighting." -Hall, 1862

Lioncels Combatant

"Lioncels combatant. LIONCELS. Two or more lions. COMBATANT. A French word for fighting." -Hall, 1862

"Machetes pugnax. Ruff. Reeve. Combatant. Gambetta. Varied above with black, brown, buff and chestnut, the sides of rump white; under parts white, breast and sides and crissum black, spotted with white; tail brown, barred with chestnut and white; quills dusky, with shafts; wing-coverts ashy-brown. Bill blackish, flesh-colored at base; legs dingy yellow; warty excrescences yellow; feathers of the ruff endlessly varied in color." Elliot Coues, 1884


"Machetes pugnax. Ruff. Reeve. Combatant. Gambetta. Varied above with black, brown, buff and chestnut,…

Thomas Truxtun (February 17, 1755 – May 5, 1822) was an American naval officer who rose to the rank of commodore. Born near Hempstead, New York on Long Island, Truxtun had little formal education before joining the crew of the British merchant ship Pitt at the age of twelve. By the time he was twenty, however, his talents had garnered him the command of his own vessel, the Andrew Caldwell. He operated as a privateer during the American Revolutionary War, commanding several ships: Congress, Independence, Mars and St. James. Truxtun was highly successful in capturing enemy ships during this period, not once suffering a defeat. He was buried at Christ Church Burial Ground in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Thomas Truxtun's Grave

Thomas Truxtun (February 17, 1755 – May 5, 1822) was an American naval officer who rose to the rank…

David Emanuel Twiggs (1790 – July 15, 1862) was a United States soldier during the War of 1812 and Mexican-American War and a general of the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War. He was one of the oldest generals on either side in the Civil War.

David Emanuel Twiggs

David Emanuel Twiggs (1790 – July 15, 1862) was a United States soldier during the War of 1812…