Day lily is the common name of hemerocallis. The fulva variety has large flowers, about four inches wide. There are only a few flowers in each cluster. The flowers bloom in the summer.

Day Lily (Hemerocallis Fulva)

Day lily is the common name of hemerocallis. The fulva variety has large flowers, about four inches…

Nectar gland in the ovary of day lily.

Nectar Gland

Nectar gland in the ovary of day lily.

The common name of hemerocallis is day lily. The middendorfii variety has deep, golden yellow flowers. There are three to four flowers on each head at the end of the stem.

Habit and Detached Head of Flowers of Hemerocallis Middendorfii

The common name of hemerocallis is day lily. The middendorfii variety has deep, golden yellow flowers.…