"After a successful summer campaign, [Caesar] made his way to the coast and cross over into Britain. He then withdrew into his winter-quarters in Gaul, but in the following year returned into the island, defeated the British Celts under their king Cassivellaunus, and reduced the country to a dependency, compelling the Britons to pay tribute and give hostages."

Landing of the Romans in Britain

"After a successful summer campaign, [Caesar] made his way to the coast and cross over into Britain.…

On November 25, the Forbes Expedition under General John Forbes captured the site after the French destroyed Fort Duquesne the day before.

Capture of Fort Duquesne

On November 25, the Forbes Expedition under General John Forbes captured the site after the French destroyed…

The place where Johnston surrendered to Sherman in the American Civil War.

Place of Johnston's Surrender to Sherman

The place where Johnston surrendered to Sherman in the American Civil War.