Spear grass is a herbaceous grass often troublesome in gravel walks and on hard, dry soils. The general appearance of plants is often modified by climate, soil, and modes of cultivation. Certain characteristics which are permanent and remain unaltered by circumstances. The florets are easy to see in this magnified spikelet.

Annual Spear Grass

Spear grass is a herbaceous grass often troublesome in gravel walks and on hard, dry soils. The general…

Spear grass is a herbaceous grass often troublesome in gravel walks and on hard, dry soils. The general appearance of plants is often modified by climate, soil, and modes of cultivation. Certain characteristics which are permanent and remain unaltered by circumstances. The details of the floret are easy to see in this magnified floret.

Annual Spear Grass

Spear grass is a herbaceous grass often troublesome in gravel walks and on hard, dry soils. The general…

Spear grass is a herbaceous grass often troublesome in gravel walks and on hard, dry soils. The general appearance of plants is often modified by climate, soil, and modes of cultivation. Certain characteristics which are permanent and remain unaltered by circumstances. The details of the calyx, cup, or outer scale of the spikelet, is very much magnified, composed of two glumes, the upper and lower, the upper glume being the larger. The glumes and pales are know also by the name of husks or chaff, and are usually removed in cleanng the seed.

Annual Spear Grass

Spear grass is a herbaceous grass often troublesome in gravel walks and on hard, dry soils. The general…

Spear grass is a herbaceous grass often troublesome in gravel walks and on hard, dry soils. The general appearance of plants is often modified by climate, soil, and modes of cultivation. In this magnified pistil, we see the nectary, composed of one or two fleshy scales, and the germ, ovary, or seed-bearing portion of the pistil. The stamens seen in the same figure, consisting each of a bag filled with a fine powder or pollen, supported upon a stalk or filament which is analogous to the stalk or stem of a leaft. The bag hold the pollen, called the anther.

Annual Spear Grass

Spear grass is a herbaceous grass often troublesome in gravel walks and on hard, dry soils. The general…

Virginia Cut Grass (Leersia Virginica) is a small flowered white grass, and is smoother than white grass known as "false rice". The panicle is simple, slender, the spikelets closely appressed, and oblong.

Annual Spear Grass

Virginia Cut Grass (Leersia Virginica) is a small flowered white grass, and is smoother than white grass…