"Is five to eight inches long; is very voracious, swims rapidly, and si found under stones and sea-weed along the European shores. They are often caught in trawl-nets, but are of no value, on account of their sharp spines they are carefully handled; common in European and American waters." — Goodrich, 1859

Sea Scorpion

"Is five to eight inches long; is very voracious, swims rapidly, and si found under stones and sea-weed…

"Five to eight inches long. It is very voracious, and one six inches long being put into a pail of water with an eel three inches long, immediately swallowed all but the tail; it was obliged, however, after a short time to disgorge it in a half-digested state." — Goodrich, 1859

Fifteen-Spined Stickleback

"Five to eight inches long. It is very voracious, and one six inches long being put into a pail of water…