A seal which has many bands of white around black.

Ribbon Seal

A seal which has many bands of white around black.

This sea mammal is known for the great length of the canine teeth of the upper jaw, sometimes reaching two feet. It uses these tusks for defense and in gathering its food.


This sea mammal is known for the great length of the canine teeth of the upper jaw, sometimes reaching…

The walrus is a large carnivorous marine mammal, usually from 10 to 12 feet long.


The walrus is a large carnivorous marine mammal, usually from 10 to 12 feet long.

"The walrus, also called the morse, seahorse, and sea cow, is now confined to the regions within the Arctic Circle, though its extinct ancestors had a much wider geographical range. It is a large carnivorous marine mammal, ordinarily from 10 to 12 feet long, with a girth of nearly as much; it is said that it sometimes attains a length of 20 feet; muzzle abruptly truncated, with long and remarkably strong, bristly, moustaches, small eyes; external ear wanting, though the orifice is distinctly visible; body large and sack-like, tapering toward the tail; hind limbs short, connected by a membrane which covers the tail, fore limbs strong and stumpy, all with five digits. The hide is of a tawny brown color, with difficulty penetrated by bullets, and has been likened to a tough flexible coat of mail. The upper canines are developed in adults of both sexes into immense tusks, each from 15 inches to two feet long and weighing 10 pounds and upward."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"The walrus, also called the morse, seahorse, and sea cow, is now confined to the regions within the…

An animal resembling the large seals, but it has dental affinities with the ungulates. Its skull is large and the facial portion is quite long.


An animal resembling the large seals, but it has dental affinities with the ungulates. Its skull is…