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Guard Houses on the Frontier, and Loading Boats for the War Effort

Guard Houses on the Frontier, and Loading Boats for the War Effort

The lower portion of this image shows the guard houses along the Roman frontier. Small barges, each with two crewmen, are being loaded with supplies. The supplies are destined for Viminacium.

The upper portion of this image shows the end of panel four, and the beginning of the fifth. The end of the fourth panel shows a number of animals that are to be sacrificed. The beginning of the fifth panel shows Trajan, and his lieutenants standing on a platform, while trumpeters sound their horns.

Galleries: Trajan's Column
Keywords: animal sacrifices, barges, dacia, dacian wars, dacians, guard houses, italy, monument, rome, trajan, trajan, trajan's column, trumpeters, war memorial, war supplies
Photo Location: Rome, Italy
Photographer: Dr. Roy Winkelman
Date of Photo: 08/11/2010
Device Make: Canon
Device Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Original Dimensions: 5060×3594
Picture Orientation: Landscape
GPS Coordinates: 41°53'45.03"N 12°29'03.32"W
Picture Number: 13705