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Regional European maps of the Western and Central Europe region from the Maps ETC collection. This includes physical and political maps, early history and empires, WWI maps, climate maps, relief maps, vegetation maps, population density and distribution maps, cultural maps, and economic/resource maps.

The Barbarian Migrations, AD 300–500
A map showing the Barbarian migrations and the countries to which they dispersed including the general flows of the Huns (AD 441–452), the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes (AD 449), the Goths (circa AD 150 to 419), and the Vandals (AD 404–468). ...

Original Home of the English, AD 400
A map of the British Isles and north central Europe around the time the Romans left Britannia (AD 410), and the original homelands of the English. The map shows the territories of Hibernia (Ireland), Britannia, Belgica, Germania, Scandinavia, and the...

The First Home of the English, AD 400–600
A map of the ancestral home of the ethnic groups that would become the English....

The Empire of Clovis after the victory at Vouille, AD 507
A map showing the Empire of Clovis after the victory at Vouille, AD 507, including Austrasia, Neustria, Amorica, and Aquitaine. This map is color–coded to show the territories of the Kingdom of Burgundy, and portions of Alemannia, the Ostrogoth...

Europe, AD 600
A map of Europe at the close of the 6th century, showing the Gothic monarchies. The map shows the kingdoms of the Britons, Franks, Burgunds, Suevi, Visgoths, Ostrigoths, Danes, Saxons, Thuringi, Allmani, Langobards, and Gepidæ, the territories ...

Europe, AD 800
A map of Western Europe around AD 800 showing the extent of the Empire of Charlemagne, the Asturia Caliphate of Cordova (Iberian Peninsula), the Kingdom of the Danes extending to England, Kingdom of the Bulgarians, the Eastern Empire, and the territo...

Central and Western Europe, April 1, 1812
A map of Central and Western Europe on April 1, 1812 at the time of the secret coalition of Britain, Sweden, and Russia against Napoleon, and prior to Napoleon's invasion of Russia (June 24, 1812). The map shows the political boundaries and principal...

Central Europe and the Campaigns of Napoleon, August 6, 1806
A map of Central Europe during the War of the Fourth Coalition (1806–1807) of the Napoleonic Wars. The map shows the frontiers as of August 6, 1806, and includes significant cities and battle sites of the campaigns of Napoleon....

The Western Basin of the Mediterranean, Circa AD 100
A map of Europe and the western basin of the Mediterranean about AD 100 showing western Roman provinces, including Italia, the Hispania provinces of Baetica, Lusitania, and Tarraconensis, the Gallia provinces of Germania, Belgica, Lugdunensis, Aquita...

Germany and Northern Italy, Late 15th Century
A map detailing the various territories within Germany and northern Italy at the end of the 15th Century. This map highlights the German Empire at the time, and the numerous territories within the Empire and northern Italy, including the Ecclesiastic...

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  Maps > Europe > Regional Maps >Western and Central Europe
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