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The Land Hemisphere and the Water Hemisphere, 1890

Title: The Land Hemisphere and the Water Hemisphere
Projection: Unknown,
Source Bounding Coordinates:
W: -180 E: 180 N: 90 S: -90

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Description: "The portions of the land —the continents and the islands&mdash are very irregular in shape, and are unequally distributed over the globe. By far the greater portion of the land lies north of the equator. There are also what are called a Land Hemisphere and a Water Hemisphere. If there should be constructed about the earth an imaginary great circle which should pass through Peru and the Malay Peninsula, and with one of the poles a little south of London in England, this circle would divide the globe into these two hemispheres. One would contain Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, and many large islands. This hemisphere would include six-sevenths of the land, while the other would consist almost entirely of water." (— Brewer, 1890)
Source: William H. Brewer Ph.,D., Warren's New Physical Geography (Philadelphia, PA: Cowperthwait and Company, 1890) 28
Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman.
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 Maps ETC > Globes and Multi-continent > Complete Maps > The Land Hemisphere and the Water Hemisphere, 1890
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