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Canals of New York, 1910

Canals of New York

Title: Canals of New York
Projection: Unknown,
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Description: A map from 1910 showing the principalhe canals of New York.
Place Names: New York, Utica, Albany, Kingston, New York City, Buffalo, Syracus
ISO Topic Categories: transportation, oceans, inlandWaters, location, boundaries
Keywords: Canals of New York, physical, transportation, political, physical features, major political subdivisions, water routes, transportation, oceans, inlandWaters, location, boundaries, Unknown, 1910
Source: Ralph S. Tarr, B.S., F.G.S.A. and Frank M. McMurry, Ph.D., New Geographies 2nd ed (New York, NY: The Macmillan Company, 1910) 60
Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman
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 Maps ETC > United States > New York > Canals of New York, 1910
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