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Vicinity of Ancient Rome, Circa 800 B.C.

Vicinity of Ancient Rome

Title: Vicinity of Ancient Rome
Projection: Unknown,
Source Bounding Coordinates:
W: 12 E: 14 N: 43 S: 42

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Description: A map showing the vicinity of ancient Rome, including the Tiber River, Mons Sacer, and the territories of the Etruscans, Umbrians, Sabines, Picentes, Pelignians, &Aelig;quians, Latins, Hernici, Frentani, Volscians, and Samnites. The map shows important cities, rivers, lakes, and mountain systems in the area.
Place Names: Italy, Adriatic Sea, Etruscans, Latins, Sabines, Umbrian
ISO Topic Categories: inlandWaters, location, oceans
Keywords: Vicinity of Ancient Rome, historical, kRomanEmpire, country borders, inlandWaters, location, oceans, Unknown, Circa 800 B.C.
Source: Marcius Willson, Willson's Outlines of History (New York, NY: Ivison & Phinney, 1859) 583
Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman
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 Maps ETC > Europe > Italy > Vicinity of Ancient Rome, Circa 800 B.C.
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