Castle Garden

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“Reception of Brigadier General Corcoran by Mayor Opdyke and the citizens of New York, at Castle Garden, August 22nd, 1862. Mayor Opdyke escorting the general to his carriage. The 22nd of August, 1862, will be a memorable day for our Irish citizens, for on that day the people of New York turned out to give a hearty welcome to- not a victorious soldier, but to the true and patient man who had for thirteen months endured the worst of captivities to a brave soldier, compulsory inaction, when he knows his gallant companions are fighting for a great cause almost within cannon shot of his dungeon. And the reception was not given alone to the released general, but to everyone of those patient thousands who have suffered an equally cruel ordeal, although their names are unwept, unhonored and unsung. In this view, the oration which greeted the brave Corcoran was a noble and remarkabe one, and worthy of the great city that gave it."— Frank Leslie, 1896


Frank Leslie Famous Leaders and Battle Scenes of the Civil War (New York, NY: Mrs. Frank Leslie, 1896)


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