Siege of Petersburg
“Siege of Petersburg- the Ninth Corps charging on the enemy’s works after the explosion of the mine, July 30th, 1864. Immediately after the explosion of the mine a hundred cannons opened along the Federal front, and at half-past five the Ninth Corps charged, carrying the fort with a part of the line on each side. The Second Division, which was in the centre, advanced and carried the second line a short distance beyond the fort, and rested, holding ground with the utmost determination. It was at the time the [African American] Division, under General White, was pushed forward and ordered to charge and carry the crest of the hill, which would have decided the contest. The troops advanced in good order as far as the first line, where they received a galling fire, which checked them, and although quite a number kept on advancing, the greater number seemed to become utterly demoralized, part taking refuge in the fort, and the remainder running to the rear as fast as possible. They were rallied and again pushed forward, but without success, the greater part of the officers being killed or wounded."— Frank Leslie, 1896
Civil War, Siege of Petersburg, african american soldiers, colored soldiers, soldiers shooting cannons, black soldiersGalleries
1861-1865 Civil War Land BattlesSource
Frank Leslie Famous Leaders and Battle Scenes of the Civil War (New York, NY: Mrs. Frank Leslie, 1896)
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