Trichina Spiralis

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“Trichina Spiralis is the name given to a peculiar nematoid worm which inhabits the muscles, usually of the pig. The viviparous females, originally living in rats, being about eight days after entering the intestines of their second host, a pig, to give birth to the larvæ, which pass into various parts of the body, especially the muscles, where they coil up in a sack, or cyst, which eventually becomes calcareous and whitish. When pork thus infected is eaten the worms are set free in the stomach of their third host (man), and in three or four days there become sexually mature, each female being capable of producing 1,000 young."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)




Everybody's Cyclopedia (New York, NY: Syndicate Publishing Company, 1912)


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