This gallery offers 156 ClipArt images of worms. Worms are a general term given to many invertebrate animals that have a long, soft body and no legs.
An illustration of a sectional view of a Acanthobdella, a member of the annelid family. "c, Coelom;…
An illustration of a sectional view of a Acanthobdella, a member of the annelid family. "c, Coelom;…
"These animals [the Rotifera], called Wheel Animalcules, were formerly included among the Infusoria,…
This diagram shows a fresh-water annelid. a, appendages; br., brain; d, dissepiments; i, intestine;…
This diagram shows the longitudinal section of the anterior end of the annelid. A, sagittal section;…
This diagram shows a transverse section of dero. c., caelom; c.l., cells of the so-called "lateral line";…
"The Leodice antennata has the organs of locomotion attached to each segment; they are usually…
"Cross-section of Arenicola. E., Epidermis; c.m., circular muscles; l.m., longitudinal muscles; b.c.,…
"Cross-section through Ascaris. d.n., Dorsal nerve; n.c., non-contractile portion of muscle cells; c.,…
"Male of Balanoglossus (Dolichoglossus) kowalevskii. Note anterior proboscis. Mo., Mouth; op., slight…
"Diagrams of bladder-worms. I. The ordinary Cysticercus type with one head (H.). II. The Coenurus type,…
This illustration shows a representation of the circulation of the blood, in its essential features.…
Illustration of a female green spoonworm. A, Proboscis cut short; B, bristle passing though the mouth…
Illustration of a male green spoonworm. A, Bonellia viridis; B, mouth; C, ventral hooks; and d, anus.…
Illustration of a male green spoonworm. A, Generative pore with spermatozoa; B, Anterior blind end of…
"Bladderworm stage of a Cestode...a, Early stage with head inverted. b, Later stage with head everted."…
Chaetognatha is a phylum of predatory marine worms that are a major component of plankton worldwide.…
Anterior part of the circulatory system of an annelid. The arrows indicate the direction of the flow.…
"The Serpulae, which form irregularly twisted calcareous tubes, often grow together in large…
An illlustration of a dasychone infracta, a type of annelid. The annelids, collectively called Annelida…
"Demoscolecida, a group of minute marine worm-like creatures. The body tapers towards each end and is…
"The bodies of these animals are of a cylindrical form, somewhat pointed at the anterior extremity,…
The earthworm works through the ground by insinuating its pointed head between the grains of dirt, (Hooker,…
Dorsal view of internal structures of earthworm after cutting through the dorsal wall lengthwise and…
"Transverse section of the intestine of the Earthworm. ty, typhlosole, an infolded longitudinal ridge…
"Anterior region of earthworm. Note the eight setae (s.) on each segment. R.S., Spots between 9-10,…
"Transverse section of earthworm. A., Cuticle; B., epidermis; C.M., circular muscles; L.M., longitudinal…
An illustration of an earthworm. The basic body plan of an earthworm is a tube, the digestive system,…
"Diagrams of various earthworms to illustrate external characters. A, B, C, anterior segments from the…
The earthworms are also known as megadriles, in the families Tubificidae, Lumbriculidae, and Enchytraeidae,…
The earthworms are also known as megadriles, in the families Tubificidae, Lumbriculidae, and Enchytraeidae.…
An illustration of the reproductive system of a female earthworm which is located in the eleventh to…
An enlargement of the reproductive organs of a earthworm. "sp, Spermatheca; sp',Spermathecal sac involving…
An illustration of the various types of earthworm setae. Seta (plural: setae) is a biological term derived…
A cross sectional view of the Dicyemennea Eledones, a parasite, found in Eledone Moschata, or musky…
Euchone elegans is a species of marine worms in the family, Terebellidae, sometimes known as spaghetti…
Flatworms are flattened, leaf-like forms living in damp places on land, in freshwater streams of ponds,…
Flatworms are flattened, leaf-like forms living in damp places on land, in freshwater streams of ponds,…
Flatworms are flattened, leaf-like forms living in damp places on land, in freshwater streams of ponds,…
Flatworms are flattened, leaf-like forms living in damp places on land, in freshwater streams of ponds,…
Flatworms are flattened, leaf-like forms living in damp places on land, in freshwater streams of ponds,…
Flatworms are flattened, leaf-like forms living in damp places on land, in freshwater streams of ponds,…
Gepyrea is a name formerly given to a class of worms which included three families: (1) Priapulidae;…
Illustration showing different rhompalura gairdii flat worms. The left and the right worms are the female,…
This illustration shows a transverse section of a worm with external gills. Gills are the breathing…
"The Young Variable Gordius, after escaping from the egg. a, the worm beginning to protrude the oral…
"The Young Variable Gordius, after escaping from the egg. b, the first circle of hooklets bordering…
"The Young Variable Gordius, after escaping from the egg. c, complete protrusion of both circles of…