Elijah Taken up to Heaven in a Chariot of Fire and a Whirlwind
“And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, which parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.” 2 Kings 2:11 ASV
Illustration of the prophet Elijah riding in a chariot drawn by three horses, being taken up to heaven. The chariot’s wheels are flaming. A line of clouds supports the chariot and horses. The chariot has a star on the front. Elisha can be seen kneeling and watching from the ground. Mountains and a small town are pictured below.
horse, chariot, horses, star, fire, clouds, call, flames, cloud, heaven, prophet, Elijah, Elisha, chariot of fire, miracle, Jehovah, God of Israel, called, heavenly, taken up, whirlwindSource
Right Rev. Richard Gilmour, D.D. Bible History: Containing the Most Remarkable Events of the Old and New Testaments, with a Compendium of Church History (New York, New York: Benziger Brothers, 1904) 92
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