Triumph of Columbus
The Triumph of Columbus. A fac-simile of the original sketch by Columbus himsef, was sent by him from Seville in 1502, and is preserved in the city hall at Genoa. The figure sitting beside Columbus is Providence; Envy and Ignorance are hinted at as monsters following in his wake; while Constancy, Tolerance, the Christian Religion, Victory, and Hope attend him. Above all is the floating figure of Fame blowing two trumpets, one marked “Genoa,” the other “Fama Columbi.” Harrisse says that good judges assign this picture to Columbus’ own hand, though none of the drawings ascribed to him are authentic beyond doubt; while it is very true that he had the reputation of being a good draughtsman.
Narrative and Critical History of American (New York: Houghton, Mifflin, and Company, 1886)II:12
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