Angular Perspective
This figure comprises the whole of the points and lines preparatory to beginning a drawing in “angular perspective.” 1) The point of sight; 2)The horizontal line; 3) The point of station; 4) The nearest corner of the object to be drawn; 5) The ground line of the building or object, lying on that side, and produced from the nearest corner up to the horizontal line, in order to determine the vanishing point marked 5; 6) A line taken from the vanishing point 5, to the point of station 3; 7) A line drawn at right angles to 6, and extending from the point of station to the horizontal line, at its junction with which the vanishing point, marked 8, is determined; 9) A point of measurement obtained by the use of the vanishing point 8; 10) The other point of measurement, obtained by vanishing point 5; 11) The geometrical scale of the building or object upon a base line drawn through the nearest corner.
Perspective DrawingSource
How to Draw and Paint (New York: Excelsior Publishing House) 105
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