This object is a cube, having therefore all its faces of equal dimensions; and as both sides recede, “angular perspective” is employed. The point of sight, horizontal line, and point of station, having been fixed upon, the line A is first to be drawn, touching the bottom of the nearest corner, and is for the geometrical scale or height of the cube, which, in this instance, will be called twelve feet; that is, twelve feet must be marked on the scale from the corner on either side. 1) The ground line of the square, taken from the centre of the geometrical scale line to the horizontal line; by its junction with which is determined the vanishing point or that side. 2) A line drawn from the above vanishing point to the point of station. 3) A line drawn at right angles at the point of station to the line 2, as far as the horizontal line, its intersection with which will give the correct vanishing point to the other side. 4) The ground line of the cube running to the last vanishing point. 5) The nearest corner of the cube, twelve feet in height, being equal to the width. The points of measurement are next to be ascertained, and to be marked in the usual way; and the lines B drawn from the ends of the geometrical scale towards the point of measurement give the perspective width or depth of both sides. This is found at their cutting of the ground lines 1 and 4. The line 6 represents the top line of one side of the cube, and runs from the nearest corner to the vanishing point. 7) The other top line; and it is drawn to the other vanishing point. 8) The far corner line raised vertically from the crossing of the lines B and 1. 9) The other corner line raised vertically from the intersection of the lines B and 4. The lines 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, being strengthened, the figure is complete.
How to Draw and Paint (New York: Excelsior Publishing House) 113
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