Genus Pinus, L. (Pine)

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Leaves - simple; indeterminate in position because of their closeness, but arranged along the branches in two-leaved sheathed bunches. Leaf - needle-shape, five to eight inches long; dark, dull, green; rounded and smooth on the outside; on the inside hollowed. Cones - about two to three inches long; rounded at the base; sometimes crowded in large clusters. Scales - not armed with points or knobs. Bark - of the trunk, comparatively smooth and reddish, of a clearer red than that of any other species in the United States. Found - in dry and sandy soil from Newfoundland and the northern shores of the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the Winnipeg River, through the Northern States to Massachusetts, in the mountains of Northern Pennsylvania. Rare in the Eastern States, except in the extreme northern parts of New England. General Information - An evergreen tree fifty to eight feet high, or more, with hard and durable wood, useful for all kinds of construction. It is low-branching and regular in shape. In a note give in confirmation of his estimate of the height of the red pine, Michaux says that when the French in Quebec built the war-ship St. Lawrence, fifty guns, they made its main-mast of this pine.


Trees: Q-S


Newhall, Charles S. The Trees of North-Eastern America (New York: The Knickerbocker Press, 1900) 163


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