Veins of the Arm and Shoulder

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Veins of the upper extremity . Labels: 1, axillary artery; 2, axillary veins; 3, 4, basilic; 5, point where median basilic joins basilic; 6, posterior basilic vein; 8, anterior basilic vein; 9, point where cephalic enters axillary; 10, portion same vein; 11, point where median cephalic enters cephalic; 12, lower portion cephalic vein; 13, median cephalic vein; 14, median vein; 15, anastromosing branch; 16, cephalica-pollicis veins; 17, veins of fingers; 18, palmar veins.


Richardson, Joseph G. Health and Longevity (New York: Home Health Society, 1912) 260


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