A Diagram of the Skin

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A diagram of the skin. Labels: 1, The lines or ridges of the cuticle, cut perpendicularly. 2, The furrow or wrinkles of the same. 3, The cuticles. 4, The colored layer of the cuticle. 5, The cutis vera. 6, The papillae, each of which answers to the lines on the external surface of the skin. 7, Small furrows between the papillae, 8, The deeper furrows between each couple of the papillae. 9, Cells filled with fat. 10, The adipose later, with numerous fat vesicles. 12, Two hairs. 13, A perspiratory gland, with its spiral duct. 15, Another perspiratory gland, with a duct less spiral. 15, Oil-glands with ducts opening into the sheath of the hair.


skin cuticle


Cutter, Calvin First Book on Analytic Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene, Human and Comparative (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1875) 104


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