This human anatomy ClipArt gallery offers 80 illustrations of human skin, hair, and nails. This includes views of human skin (e.g., external and views of epidermal layers), as well as general views of hair and nails.
The arteries and veins of a section of the skin. A, arterial branches. B, capillary, or hair-like vessels,…
Magnified views of the cuticle. Labels: A, represents a vertical section of the cuticle. B, the lateral…
Vertical section of epidermis of the prepuce. Labels: a, stratum corneum, of very few layers, the stratum…
Section of epidermis. Labels: H, horny layer, consisting of s, superficial horny scales; sw, swollen-out…
"One of the simplest of the tissues in the body is called the epithelium, and its cells are…
A section of the end of a finger and nail. Labels: 4, Section of the last bone of the finger. 4, Fat,…
Transverse section through nail and the terminal portion of the ring finger.
Transverse section of nail wall and adjacent part of nail plate and nail bed.
"A, last bone of finger; B, true skin on the dorsal surface of finger; C,…
Longitudinal section through human nail and its nail groove (sulcus).
The matrix of a nail or nail bed, with the nail fold and nail walls displayed by the removal of the…
Transverse section through human nail and its nail groove (sulcus).
Imprint of palmar surface of left middle finger, showing arrangement of cutaneous ridges; transverse…
The furrows and ridges of the surface of the skin from the palm or surface of the middle finger.
"The convoluted gland is seen surrounded by fat cells and may be traced through the true skin to its…
A hair. 1: External part; 2: Sac in skin; 3: Surface of Cuticle; 4: Sebaceous membrane; 5: Bulb at base;…
A hair. Labels: A perspiratory tube with its gland; B, a hair with a muscle and two oil-glands; C, cuticle;…
The pulp of a hair injected; 1, cut surface of hair; 2, the pulp; 3, injected vessel ramifying in it.…
Transverse section of a hair and hair follicle made below the opening of the sebaceous gland. Labels:…
Longitudinal section of a hair follicle. Labels: a, Stratum of Malpighi, deep layer forming the external…
Transverse section of hair follicle, showing hair surrounded by internal and external root sheaths.
A hair of the head still in the course of growth, with hair bulb in longitudinal section.
Vertical section through the skin of head. The hair of the head in longitudinal section.
A hair. Labels: s, the sac (follicle); P, the papilla, showing the cells and the blood vessels (V).
Piece of human hair, highly magnified. Labels: a, cuticle; b, fibrous substance; c, medulla.
The hair is produced by a peculiar growth and modification of the epidermis. Externally it is covered…
Portion of shaft of hair. Labels: h, shaft covered with cuticle; s, cuticle removed to expose cortical…
Parts of two hairs embedded in their follicles. Labels: a, the skin, which is seen to dip down and line…
"Cross-section of One Half of a Human Hair. A hair is made up of horny cells of the outer layer of the…
The lamina reticularis, which is a delicate perforated membrane which extends from the articulations…
"Concave or Adherent Surface of the Nail. A, border of the root; B, whitish portion…
Oil-glands and ducts. 1, A, Oil-gland from the scalp; B, Its duct. 2, A, Two glands from the skin of…
"Surface of Palm of the Hand, showing Openings of Sweat Glands and Grooves between Papillae of the Skin.…
Papillae from the palm of the hand, with the epidermis removed. Magnified.
Horizontal section of scalp, showing group of transversely cut hair follicles.
Section of the scalp, magnified. Labels: h, hair; w, hair sac; s, oil gland; m, muscle.
The integument or outer covering of an animal, serving to protect the flesh and to fill important functions…
Vertical section of the skin, a microsopic view. 1: Cutis; 2: Cuticle in layers; 3: Papilla; 4: Nerves…
Vertical section through the finger end. 1: Nail; 2: Cuticle; 3: Cutis; 4: Groove in Cuticle at the…
A section of the skin magnified. Labels: H, hair; E, epidermis; D, dermis; P, papilla; S, mouth of a…
A magnified block of the skin. Labels: a, dead part; d, live part of the epidermis; e, sweat glands;…
A section through the skin and subcutaneous areolar tissue. Labels: h, horny stratum, and m, deeper…
Section of the skin showing the hairs and sebaceous glands. The sebaceous glands are small saccular…
Section of skin, showing its chief layers-epidermis, corium and tela subcutanea.
Developing skin showing later stages of formation of hair follicles; surrounding mesoblast is forming…