Stomach of an Ox
Stomach of an ox inflated-viewed from the right side. Labels: A, rumen; a, left sac; a’, its anterior extremity; a", left conical sac; b, right sac; b’, its anterior extremity; b", right conical sac; f, its dilated extremity entering rumen; h, spleen; B, reticulum; i, its greater curvature; k, its left extremity; l, its right extremity; C, psalterium; m, its greater curvature; n, its lesser curvature; o, its anterior extremity; p, its posterior extremity; D, abomasum; q, its greater curvature; r, its lesser curvature; s, its anterior extremity; t, its posterior extremity; u, pylorus; v, duodenum.
ox stomachGalleries
Mammal Anatomy: Internal OrgansSource
Vaughn, I. Strangeway's Veterinary Anatomy (Toronto, CAN: J. A. Carveth & Co., Ltd., 1904)
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