The Mammal Anatomy: Internal Organs ClipArt gallery offers 192 views of the internal organs and other soft tissue of various species of mammals.

Aortic arches of a mammal, and their relations to the five embryonic arches. Labels: c, c', carotids; A, aorta; Ap, pulmonary artery; Aa, great arch of aorta.

Aortic Arches

Aortic arches of a mammal, and their relations to the five embryonic arches. Labels: c, c', carotids;…

Diagram of the aortic arches in a mammal, showing transformations which give rise to the permanent arterial vessels. A, primitive arterial stem or aortic bulb, now divided into A, the ascending part of the aortic arch, and p, the pulmonary; a, a', right and left aortic roots; A', descending aorta; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the five primitive aortic or branchial arches; I, II, III, IV, the four branchial clefts which, for the sake of clearness, have been omitted on the right side. The permanent systemic vessels are deeply, the pulmonary arteries lightly, shaded; the parts of the primitive arches which are transitory are simply outlined; c, placed between the permanent common carotid arteries; c e, external carotid arteries; c i, internal carotid arteries; s, right subclavian, rising from the right aortic root beyond the fifth arch; v, right vertebral from the same, opposite the fourth arch; v' s', left vertebral and subclavian arteries rising together from the left, or permanent aortic root, opposite the forth arch; p, pulmonary arteries rising together from the left fifth arch, forming ductus arteriosus; p n, p n', right and left pneumogastric nerves descending in from of aortic arch, with their recurrent branches represented diagrammatically as passing behind, to illustrate the relations of these nerves respectively to the right subclavian artery (4) and the arch of the aorta and ductus arteriosus (d).

Aortic Arches in a Mammal

Diagram of the aortic arches in a mammal, showing transformations which give rise to the permanent arterial…

Blood vessels of the capsulopupillary membrane of a newborn kitten.

Blood Vessels of the Capsulopupillary of a Kitten

Blood vessels of the capsulopupillary membrane of a newborn kitten.

Ventral view of the brain of ornithorynchus


Ventral view of the brain of ornithorynchus

Dorsal view of the brain of ornithorynchus


Dorsal view of the brain of ornithorynchus

Mesial view of the brain of ornithorynchus


Mesial view of the brain of ornithorynchus

Lateral view of the brain of ornithorynchus


Lateral view of the brain of ornithorynchus

Mesial view of the brain of the tasmanian devil


Mesial view of the brain of the tasmanian devil

Dorsal view of the brain of a ratel


Dorsal view of the brain of a ratel

Lateral view of the brain of a ratel


Lateral view of the brain of a ratel

Lateral view of cerebral hemisphere of Gorilla


Lateral view of cerebral hemisphere of Gorilla

Diagram of the topography of the main groups of foci in the motor field of chimpanzee


Diagram of the topography of the main groups of foci in the motor field of chimpanzee

Location of the motor areas in the brain of a chimpanzee. The extent of the motor area is indicated by stippling; it lies entirely in from of the fissure of Rolando (sulcus centralis). Much of the motor area is hidden in the sulci. The regions marked eyes indicated the area whose stimulation gives conjugate movements of the eyeballs. It is doubtful however, whether these represent motor areas proper.

Motor Area of the Brain of a Chimpanzee

Location of the motor areas in the brain of a chimpanzee. The extent of the motor area is indicated…

Brain of dog, viewed from above and in profile. F, frontal fissure sometimes termed crucial sulcus, corresponding to the fissure of Rolando in man. S, fissure of Sylvius, around which the four longitudinal convolutions are concentrically arranged; 1, flexion of head on the neck, in the median line; 2, flexion of head on the anterior limb; 5, 6, flexion and extension of posterior limb; 7, 8, 9, contraction of orbicularis oculi, and the facial muscles in general. The unshaded part in that exposed by the opening of the skull.

Brain of a Dog

Brain of dog, viewed from above and in profile. F, frontal fissure sometimes termed crucial sulcus,…

The base of brain of a horse. Labels: l, Cerebrum. 2, Ganglion of sight. 3, Cerebellum. 4, Medulla Oblongata and Spinal Cord.

Base of Brain of a Horse

The base of brain of a horse. Labels: l, Cerebrum. 2, Ganglion of sight. 3, Cerebellum. 4, Medulla Oblongata…

Diagrams of monkey's brain to show the effects of electric stimulation of certain spots. Labels: 1. causes movement of supination and flexion of forearm; 7, elevation of the upper lip; 8, conjoint action of elevation of upper lip and depression of lower; 9, opening mouth and protrusion of tongue; 10, retraction of tongue; 11, action of platysma; 12, elevation of eyebrows and eyelids, dilation of pupils, and turning head to opposite side and upwards, with usually contraction of the pupils; 13', similar action, but eyes usually directed downwards; 14, retraction of opposite ear, head turn to the opposite side, the eyes widely opened, and pupils dilated; 15, stimulation of this regions, which corresponds to the tip of the uncinate convolution, caused torsion of the lip and nostril of the same side.

Brain of a Monkey to Show effects of Electric Stimulation

Diagrams of monkey's brain to show the effects of electric stimulation of certain spots. Labels: 1.…

Vertical section of dog's cerebellum. Labels: p m, pia mater; p, corpuscles of Purkinje, which are branched nerve cells lying in a single layer and sending single processed downwards and more numerous ones upwards, which branch continuously and extend through the deep "molecular layer" towards the free surface; g, dense layer of ganglionic corpuscles., closely resembling nuclear layers of retina; f, layer of nerve fibers, with a few scattered ganglionic corpuscles. This last layer (f) constitutes part of the white matter of the cerebellum, while the layer between it and the free surface are gray matter.

Cerebellum of Dog's Brain

Vertical section of dog's cerebellum. Labels: p m, pia mater; p, corpuscles of Purkinje, which are branched…

Diagrammatic horizontal section of a vertebrate brain. Mb, midbrain: what lies in front of this is the fore-, and what lies behind, the hindbrain; Lt, lamina terminalis; Olf, olfactory lobes; Hmp, hemispheres; Th. E, thalamencephalon; Pn, pineal gland; Py, pituitary body; F. M., foramen of Munro; cs, corpus striatum; Th, optic thalamus; CC, crura cerebri; the mass lying above the canal represents the corpora quadrigemina; Cb, cerebellum; I-IX, the nine pairs of cranial nerves; 1, olfactory ventricle; 2, lateral ventricle; 3, third ventricle; 4, fourth ventricle; +, iter a tertio ad quartum ventriculum.

Horizontal Section of a Vertebrate Brain

Diagrammatic horizontal section of a vertebrate brain. Mb, midbrain: what lies in front of this is the…

Brain of the Orangoutang, showing arrangement of the convolutions. Sy, fissure of Sylvius; R, fissure of Rolando; E P, external perpendicular fissure; Olf, olfactory lobe; Cb, cerebellum; PV, pons Varolii; MO, medulla oblongata. As contrasted with the human brain, the frontal lobe is short and small relatively, the fissure of Sylvius is oblique, the temporo-sphenoidal lobe very prominent, and the external perpendicular fissure very well marked.

Brain of the Orangutan

Brain of the Orangoutang, showing arrangement of the convolutions. Sy, fissure of Sylvius; R, fissure…

Longitudinal and vertical diagrammatic section of a vertebrate brain. Mb, midbrain: what lies in front of this is the fore-, and what lies behind, the hindbrain; Lt, lamina terminalis; Olf, olfactory lobes; Hmp, hemispheres; Th. E, thalamencephalon; Pn, pineal gland; Py, pituitary body; F. M., foramen of Munro; cs, corpus striatum; Th, optic thalamus; CC, crura cerebri; the mass lying above the canal represents the corpora quadrigemina; Cb, cerebellum; I-IX, the nine pairs of cranial nerves; 1, olfactory ventricle; 2, lateral ventricle; 3, third ventricle; 4, fourth ventricle; +, iter a tertio ad quartum ventriculum. Lamina terminalis is represented by the strong black line joining Pn and Py.

Vertical Section of a Vertebrate Brain

Longitudinal and vertical diagrammatic section of a vertebrate brain. Mb, midbrain: what lies in front…

Caecum and colon of a dog-inflated. Labels: a, ileum; b, caecum; c, colon.

Caecum and Colon of a Dog

Caecum and colon of a dog-inflated. Labels: a, ileum; b, caecum; c, colon.

Caecum and colon of a hog-inflated. Labels: a, ileum; b, caecum; c, colon; d, rectum.

Caecum and Colon of a Hog

Caecum and colon of a hog-inflated. Labels: a, ileum; b, caecum; c, colon; d, rectum.

Caecum and great colon of a horse. Labels: a, caecum; b, c, its muscular bands; d, termination of the ileum; e, first; e', second; f, third; f', fourth division of colon; g, pelvic flexure; h, origin of floating colon. The arrows indicate the course of the food through the colon.

Caecum and Colon of Horse

Caecum and great colon of a horse. Labels: a, caecum; b, c, its muscular bands; d, termination of the…

Caecum and origin of colon of an ox- inflated. Labels: a, terminal portion of the ileum; b, caecum; c, origin of colon.

Caecum of an Ox

Caecum and origin of colon of an ox- inflated. Labels: a, terminal portion of the ileum; b, caecum;…

Intestinal tract of <em>Canis vulpes</em>. S, cut end of duodenum; C, caecum; R, cut end of rectum.

Intestinal Tract from Canis Vulpes

Intestinal tract of Canis vulpes. S, cut end of duodenum; C, caecum; R, cut end of rectum.

"Side view of skull of Cape Jumping Hare. Pmx, premaxilla; Mx, maxilla; Ma, malar; Fr, frontal; L, lachrymal; Pa, parietal; Na, nasal; Sq, squamosal; Ty, tympanic; ExO, exoccipital; AS, alisphenoid; OS, orbito-sphenoid; Per, mastoid bulla." &mdash;The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903

Cape Jumping Hare

"Side view of skull of Cape Jumping Hare. Pmx, premaxilla; Mx, maxilla; Ma, malar; Fr, frontal; L, lachrymal;…

Capillaries from the vitreous humor of a fetal calf. Two vessels are seen connected by a cord of protoplasm, and clothed with an adventitia, containing numerous nuclei. a, insertion of this cord into the primary walls of the vessels.

Capillaries from Vitreous Humour of Calf

Capillaries from the vitreous humor of a fetal calf. Two vessels are seen connected by a cord of protoplasm,…

The liver is made up of small roundish or oval portions called lobules, each of which is composed of minute branches of the portal vein, hepatic artery, hepatic duct, and hepatic vein. Shown is the capillary network of the lobules of the rabbit's liver. The figure is taken from a very successful injection of the hepatic veins showing nearly the whole of two lobules, and parts of three others. Labels: p, portal branches running in the interlobular spaces; h, hepatic veins penetrating and radiating from the center of the lobules.

Capillary Network in the Lobules of a Rabbit's Liver

The liver is made up of small roundish or oval portions called lobules, each of which is composed of…

"Vertical and Longitudinal section through skull of Castor Fiber, showing the cerebral cavity, the greatly-developed turbinal lamellae, the mode of implantation of the large over-growing chisel-edged incisor, and the curved rootless molars." &mdash;The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903

Castor Fiber

"Vertical and Longitudinal section through skull of Castor Fiber, showing the cerebral cavity, the greatly-developed…

"Diagram showing the ear and related parts in a young cat. P., Pinna; Sq., squamosal: E.A.M., external auditory meatus; T., tympanum; M., malleus; I., incus; St., stapes abutting onforamen ovale; B., bulla of tympanic bone; Se., a septum in the bulla; E.T., eustachian tube leading from the tymmpanic cavity to the back of the mouth; B.O., basi-occipital; C., cochlea; S., sacculus; U., utriculus; D.E., ductus endolymphaticus; N., auditory nerve; S.C., semi-circular canal; PE., periotic bone." -Thomson, 1916

Cat Ear

"Diagram showing the ear and related parts in a young cat. P., Pinna; Sq., squamosal: E.A.M., external…

Section of the cat's eye enlarged twice. <em>aq</em>, aqueous humor; <em>c</em>, cornea; <em>ci</em>, cillary processes; <em>cp</em>, capsule surrounding the crystalline lens; <em>ch</em>, choroid coat; <em>i</em>, iris; <em>lg</em>, ligament of the lens; <em>m</em>, muscle to adjust the lens for far and near sight; <em>opn</em>, optic nerve leading to the brain; <em>rt</em>, retina; <em>sc</em>, sclerotic coat.

Cat's Eye

Section of the cat's eye enlarged twice. aq, aqueous humor; c, cornea; ci,…

Two coronal sections through the cerebral hemisphere of an orangoutang, in the plan of the anterior commissure. A, Section through the left hemisphere n a plane a short distance behind B, which is a section through the right hemisphere.

Coronal Sections of the Cerebral Hemispheres

Two coronal sections through the cerebral hemisphere of an orangoutang, in the plan of the anterior…

Coronal section through the cerebrum of an orangoutang passing through the subthalamic tegmental region.

Coronal Section Through Cerebrum

Coronal section through the cerebrum of an orangoutang passing through the subthalamic tegmental region.

Coronal section through the left side of the cerebrum of an orangoutang. The section passes through the middle of the lenticular nucleus.

Coronal Section Through the Cerebrum

Coronal section through the left side of the cerebrum of an orangoutang. The section passes through…

"Brain of chimpanzee. Ol, olfactory lobe; A, B, C, frontal, occipital, and temporal lobes; C1, a portion of temporal lobe; Sy, Sylvian fissure; In, insula or island of Reil; SOr, supra-orbital gyrus; SF, MF, IF, superior, middle, and inferior frontal gyri; R, fissure of Rolando; PPl, posteroparietal lobule; OPf, occipitotemporal sulcus; An, angular gyrus; 2, 3, 4, annectent gyri; AT, MT, PT, the anterior, middle, and posterior temporal gyri; SOc, MOc, IOc, the superior, middle, and inferior occipital gyri." -Whitney, 1911

Chimpanzee Brain

"Brain of chimpanzee. Ol, olfactory lobe; A, B, C, frontal, occipital, and temporal lobes; C1, a portion…

Surface view of part lamella of kitten's cornea, prepared first with caustic potash and then with nitrate of silver. By this method the branched cornea-corpuscles with their granular protoplasm and large oval nuclei are brought out.

Lamella of Kitten's Cornea

Surface view of part lamella of kitten's cornea, prepared first with caustic potash and then with nitrate…

Vertical section of rabbit's cornea. Labels: anterior epithelium, showing the different shapes of the cells at various depths from the free surface; b, portion of the substance of cornea.

Magnified Rabbit's Cornea

Vertical section of rabbit's cornea. Labels: anterior epithelium, showing the different shapes of the…

Vertical section of rabbit's cornea, stained with gold chloride. Labels: e, Laminated anterior epithelium. Immediately beneath this is the anterior elastic lamina of Bowman. n, Nerves forming a delicate sub-epithelial plexus, and sending up fine twigs between the epithelial cells to end in a second plexus on the free surface; d, Descemet's membrane, consisting of a fine elastic layer, and a single layer of epithelial cells. the substance of the cornea, f, is seen to be fibrillated, and contains many layers of branched corpuscles, arranged parallel to the free surface, and here seen edgewise.

Section of Rabbit's Cornea

Vertical section of rabbit's cornea, stained with gold chloride. Labels: e, Laminated anterior epithelium.…

Vertical section of the organ of Corti from the dog. Labels: 1 to 2, homogeneous layer of the so-called membrana basilaris; u, vestibular layer; v, tympana layer, with nuclei and protoplasm; a, prolongation of tympanal periosteum of lamina spiralis ossea; c, thickened commencement of the membrana basilaris near the point of perforation of the nerves h; d, blood-vessel ( vas spirale) ; e, blood-vessel; f, nerves; g, the epithelium of the sulcus spiralis internus; i, internal or tufted cell, with basil process k, surrounded with nuclei and protoplasm (of the glanular layer), into which the nerve-fibers radiate; l, hairs of the internal hair-cell ; n, base or foot of inner pillar of organ of Corti, whose under half is missing, while the next pillar beyond, o, presents both middle portion and base; r s d, three external hair-cells; t, bases of two neighboring hair or tufted cells; x, so-called supporting cell of Hensen; W, nerve-fiber terminating in the first of the external hair cells.

Corti from the Dog

Vertical section of the organ of Corti from the dog. Labels: 1 to 2, homogeneous layer of the so-called…

Fetus of a cow, with its membrane. Labels: a, placenta; b, chorion with the allantois adherent to its inner surface; c, amnion seen through outer covering; d, fetus seen through its covering.

Cow Fetus

Fetus of a cow, with its membrane. Labels: a, placenta; b, chorion with the allantois adherent to its…

"Cast or mold of the interior of the left ventricle of the heart of a deer. Shows that the left ventricular cavity in conical and spiral in its nature."&mdash;Pettigrew, 1874

Heart of a Deer

"Cast or mold of the interior of the left ventricle of the heart of a deer. Shows that the left ventricular…

Vertical transverse section of the dental sac and pulp of a kitten. Labels: a, dental papilla or pulp; b, the cap of dentine formed upon the summit; c, its covering of enamel; d, inner layer of epithelium of the enamel organ; e, gelatinous tissue; f, outer epithelial layer of the enamel organ; g, inner layer, and h, outer layer of dental sac.

Dental Sac and Pulp

Vertical transverse section of the dental sac and pulp of a kitten. Labels: a, dental papilla or pulp;…

The digestive apparatus of the horse. Labels: a, mouth; 2, pharynx; 3, esophagus; 4, diaphragm; 5, spleen; 6, stomach (left sac); 7, duodenum; 8, liver (upper extremity); 9, great colon; 10, caecum; 11, small intestine; 12, floating colon; 13, rectum; 14, anus; 15, left kidney and ureter; 16, bladder; 17, urethra; a, hard palate; b, tongue; c, soft palate; d, trachea; e, pulmonary artery (divided); f, heart; g, posterior aorta.

Digestive Apparatus of the Horse

The digestive apparatus of the horse. Labels: a, mouth; 2, pharynx; 3, esophagus; 4, diaphragm; 5, spleen;…

Stomach, liver, pancreas, and duodenum of a dog. Labels: a, liver; b, gall bladder; c, biliary canals; d, cystic duct; e, ductus choledocus; f, pancreas; g, pancreatic ducts.

Digestive Organs of a Dog

Stomach, liver, pancreas, and duodenum of a dog. Labels: a, liver; b, gall bladder; c, biliary canals;…

The relation of anterior abdominal digestive organs- left antero-lateral view. Labels: 1, liver; 2, stomach; 3, spleen; 4, colon; a, gastro-hepatic omentum; b, gastro-splenic omentum; c, great omentum; c', its free portion.

Digestive Organs of a Horse

The relation of anterior abdominal digestive organs- left antero-lateral view. Labels: 1, liver; 2,…

Fetus of a dog, with its membrane. Labels: a, placenta; b, chorion with the allantois adherent to its inner surface; c, amnion seen through outer covering; d, fetus seen through its covering.

Dog Fetus

Fetus of a dog, with its membrane. Labels: a, placenta; b, chorion with the allantois adherent to its…

"Waldheimia flavescens. Interior of dorsal valve. c, c', cardial process; b', hinge-plate; s, dental sockets; l, loop; q, crura; a, a', adductor impressions; c, accessory divaricator; b, peduncle muscles; ss, septum." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Dorsal Valve

"Waldheimia flavescens. Interior of dorsal valve. c, c', cardial process; b', hinge-plate; s, dental…

"Terebratula virea. Interior of dorsal valve. l, loop; b, hinge-plate; c, cardinal process." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Dorsal Valve

"Terebratula virea. Interior of dorsal valve. l, loop; b, hinge-plate; c, cardinal process." —…

"Rhynchonella psittacea. Interior of doral valve. s, sockets; b, dental plates; V, mouth; de, labial appendage in itsnatural position; d, appendage extended or unrolled." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Dorsal Valve

"Rhynchonella psittacea. Interior of doral valve. s, sockets; b, dental plates; V, mouth; de, labial…

The ligaments of the elbow joint- posterior view. Labels: a, external lateral ligament; b, internal laterla ligament; c, external arciform ligaments; d, internal arciform ligaments.

Ligaments of the Elbow Joint

The ligaments of the elbow joint- posterior view. Labels: a, external lateral ligament; b, internal…

Section of the epididymis of a dog. The tube is cut in several places, both transversely and obliquely, is is seen to be lined by a ciliated epithelium, the nuclei of which are well shown. Label: c, connective tissue.

Epididymis of a Dog

Section of the epididymis of a dog. The tube is cut in several places, both transversely and obliquely,…

Right orbit opened to show the nerves of the eye. Labels: a, optic; b, motor oculi; c, pathetic; d, ophthalmic division of fifth pair; d', lachrymal; d&quot;, supraorbital; d&quot;', nasal; c, abducens; e', rectus externus muscle; f, orbital branch os superior maxillary nerve.

Eye Nerves of a Horse

Right orbit opened to show the nerves of the eye. Labels: a, optic; b, motor oculi; c, pathetic; d,…

Portion of the germinal membrane, with rudiments of the embryo, from the ovum of a dog. The primitive groove, A, is not yet closed, and at its upper or cephalic end presents three dilatations, B, which correspond to the three divisions or vesicles of the brain. At its lower extremity the groove presents a lancet-shaped dilation (sinus rhomboidalis) C. The margins of the groove consist of clear pellucid nerve substance. Along the bottom of the groove is observed a faint streak, which is probably the chorda dorsalis. D. Vertebral plates.

Germinal Membrane of a Dog

Portion of the germinal membrane, with rudiments of the embryo, from the ovum of a dog. The primitive…

S, cut end of duodenum; R, cut end of rectum; C, caecum; P.C.L., post-caecal loop; S.P., spiral loop; SF, third loop of hind-gut.

Intestinal Tract of Giraffe

S, cut end of duodenum; R, cut end of rectum; C, caecum; P.C.L., post-caecal loop; S.P., spiral loop;…

S, cut end of duodenum; R, cut end of rectum; C, vermiform appendix of caecum; X1, X2, X3, cut ends of factors of the portal vein.

Intestinal Tract of a Gorilla

S, cut end of duodenum; R, cut end of rectum; C, vermiform appendix of caecum; X1, X2, X3, cut ends…

Section of gray matter of anterior cornu of a calf's spinal cord; a, nerve fibers of white matter in transverse section, showing axis cylinder in the center of each; r, large stellate nerve cells with nuclei and three prolongations.

Gray Matter of Spinal Cord

Section of gray matter of anterior cornu of a calf's spinal cord; a, nerve fibers of white matter in…

This illustration shows the jaw of a Greenland Whale. The Greenland Whale uses this massive jaw to filter food from water while it swims.

Greenland Whale

This illustration shows the jaw of a Greenland Whale. The Greenland Whale uses this massive jaw to filter…

Veins of the face and neck. Labels: 1, glosso-facial; A, its facial portion; 2, jugular; 3, occipial; 4, cervial portion of jugular; a, superior coronary; b, small labial branch; c, inferior coronary; a', common coronary trunk; d, angular vein of the eye; e, dorsal nasal; e', lateral nasal; f, alveolar; g, buccal; h, posterior auricular; i, superficial temporal; k, anterior auricular; l, subzygomatic; m, superior cerebral-cut; n, maxillo muscular; o, muscular, esophageal and tracheal twig.

Head and Neck of a Horse Showing Veins

Veins of the face and neck. Labels: 1, glosso-facial; A, its facial portion; 2, jugular; 3, occipial;…

Longitudinal section of the head, showing the pharynx and nasal chamber-the septum nasi being removed. Labels: a, superior turbinal; b, inferior turbinal; c, superior, d, middle, and e, inferior nasal meatus; f, cavity of the pharynx; g, opening of eustachian tube; h, isthmus faucium; i, posterior naris; k, opening of the larynx; l, opening of the esophagus.

Head of a Horse

Longitudinal section of the head, showing the pharynx and nasal chamber-the septum nasi being removed.…

Arteries of the head- the left maxillary ramus being remove. Labels: 1, occipital; 2, internal carotid; 3, external carotid; a, branch to submaxillary gland; b, prevertebral; c, mastoid, c', muscular twigs; d, ramus anastomoticus; e, occipital gaining alar gutter; f, branch to submaxillary gland; l, sublingual; m, branch to lymphatic gland; B, continuation of external carotid-it becomes the internal maxillary at the bend; n, spheno-spinal; o, deep temporals; p, ophthalmic; q, buccal; r, orbital branch of dental; s, dental; t, spheno-spinal; o, deep temporals; p, ophthalmic; q, buccal; r, orbital branch f dental; s, dental; t, spheno-palatine; u, palatine; v, staphyline.

Head of a Horse Showing Arteries

Arteries of the head- the left maxillary ramus being remove. Labels: 1, occipital; 2, internal carotid;…