The Mammal Anatomy: Internal Organs ClipArt gallery offers 192 views of the internal organs and other soft tissue of various species of mammals.
"Thumb and leg and foot of Mystacina tuberculata." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903
Navicular ligaments. Labels: a, superior, or broad, ligament; b, inferior ligament; c, lateral ligament.
Arteries of the neck exposed on the left side. Labels: a, anterior aorta; a', left brachial; a",…
Nerve cell from the brain; a, processes by which it communicates with other cells near by;…
Gray, pale, or gelatinous nerve fibers. A. From a branch of olfactory nerve of the sheep: two dark bordered…
Each nerve trunk is composed of a variable number of different sized bundle (funiculi) of nerve fibers…
"Scheme showing the essential relations of the parts of a nervous system: 1, the sensory end organ (epithelial);…
The nervous system of the horse. Labels: 1, brain; 2, optic nerve; 3, superior maxillary nerve (5th);…
The neural canal of first three cervical vertebrae, opened from above to show the internal ligaments.…
"The size of the hemispheres of the brain (A) is so small that they leave exposed the olfactory ganglion…
"The outline of the brain of an orang outang. Front portion F to O, cerebrum; C, cerebellum; M, medulla…
Diagram of the chief organs of a mammal. The bones are black. a, opening from the nasal cavity…
Nucleated none cells (osteoblasts) and their processes, contained in the one lacunae and their canaliculi…
"Section through ovary of a young Mammal. The eggs (o) are seen to be formed from the epithelium. c,…
View of a section of the ovary of the cat. Labels: 1, outer covering and free border of the ovary; 1',…
Section of the ovary of a cat. Labels: A, germinal epithelium; B, immature Graafian follicle; C, stroma…
Diagrammatic section showing the relation in a mammal between the primitive alimentary canal and the…
"Compound stomach of ox. a, esophagus; b, rumen, or paunch; c, reticulum, or second stomach; d, omasum,…
Anterior view of the pancreas. Labels: a, left branch; b, right branch; c, inferior branch; d, duct…
Vertical section of a circumvallate papilla of the calf. Labels: 1 and 3, epithelial layers covering…
Parotid and molar glands of the left side. Labels: a, parotid gland; b, Steno's duct; c, superior molar…
In mammalia, each salivary gland first appears as a simple canal with bud-like processes, lying in a…
The glands of Peyer occur chiefly but not exclusively in the small intestine. They are found in greatest…
"Brain of pig. Ol, olfactory lobe; A, B, C, frontal, occipital, and temporal lobes; C1, a portion of…
Section through the pons varolii at the level of the nuclei of the trigeminal nerve in an orangoutang.
Section through the upper part of the pons varolii of the orangoutang above the level of the trigeminal…
Longitudinal section of a portal canal, containing a portal vein, hepatic artery and hepatic duct from…
"Brain of rabbit. Ol, olfactory lobe; A, B, C, frontal, occipital, and temporal lobes; Sy, Sylvian fissure."…
Transverse section of a rat embryo. Showing relation of the paraxial mesoderm of the head to the lateral…
General view of the respiratory organs. Labels: a, septum nasi; b, posterior naris; c, larynx; d, trachea;…
The respiratory apparatus of other mammals is similar to humans in both structure and function. The…
Perpendicular section of mammalian retina. Labels: A, layer of rods and cones; B, outer nuclear layer;…
"Diagram of the stomach of a ruminant. o, esophagus; r, rumen or paunch; re., reticulum, or honeycomb;…
Serous glands. Labels: a, rabbit's pancreas "loaded" (resting); c, "discharged" (active) (observed in…
Sesamoidean and digital ligaments- posterior aspect. Labels: a, suspensory ligament; b, external and…
"Stomach of sheep. a, OEsophagus; c, rumen or paunch; d, reticulum or honeycomb-bag; e, psalterium or…
The four stomachs of the sheep, a grass-eating animal. The beginning of the intestines are also shown,…
Internal aspect of the spleen. Labels: a, superior extremity, or base; b, inferior extremity; c, internal…
Ligaments of the stifle joint- posterior aspect. Labels: a, external lateral patellar ligament; b, external…
Stomach of a musk deer, left aspect- the last three compartments opened and reflected forwards. Rn,…
Stomach of a dog-inflated. Labels: a, cardiac portion; b, pyloric portion; c, esophageal orifice; d,…
Stomach of a hog- inflated. Labels: a, cardiac portion; b, its accessory cul-de-sac; c, pyloric portion;…
Stomach of an sheep seen from the left side- the last three compartments are laid open and reflected…
Compartments of a ruminant stomach, laid open. A, rumen- a, pillars; b, papilla; c, esophageal orifice.…
Ruminants (those animals that chew the cud), as the sheep, have a stomach with four cavities. Labels:…
Ruminants (those animals that chew the cud), as the ox, have a stomach with four cavities. Labels: 1,…
Stomach of an ox inflated-viewed from the right side. Labels: A, rumen; a, left sac; a', its anterior…
Posterior view of the stomach of a horse. Labels: a, left cul-de-sac; b, right cul-de-sac; c, greater…
Internal aspect of a horse stomach, opened from below. Labels: a, cuticular mucous membrane; b, villous…
Diagrammatic representation of the submaxillary gland of the dog with its nerves and blood vessels.…
Terminal tubules of sudoriferous glands, cut in various directions from the skin of the pig's ear.
Digestive system of a mammal. (g) gullet; (s) stomach; (sm) small intestine; (lm) large intestine; (r)…
A, Three-quarter surface view of taste bud from the papilla foliata of a rabbit. B, Vertical section…
The sense of taste enables us to test in some degree the chemical constitution of substances we take…