Rose-breasted Song Grosbeak
“Zamelodia ludoviciana. Rose-breasted Song Grosbeak. Adult male with the head and neck all around and most of the upper parts black, the rump, upper tail-coverts and under parts white, the breast and under wing-coverts exquisite carmine rose-red; wings and tail black, variegated with white; bill white; feet grayish-blue; iris brown. Female above, streaked with blackish and olive-brown or flaxen-brown, with median white coronal and superciliary line; below, white, more or less tinged with fulvous and streaked with dusky; under wing-coverts saffron-yellow; upper coverts and inner quills with a white spot at end; bill brown.” Elliot Coues, 1884
migratory birds, birds, ornithology, grosbeak, North American birds, omnivorous birds, foliage gleaner, Zamelodia ludoviciana, Rose-breasted Song Grosbeak, Pheucticus ludovicianaGalleries
Birds: F-GSource
Elliot Coues Key to North American Birds (Boston, MA: Estes and Lauriat, 1884)
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