"The Wandering Albatros of the Southern Oceans is white with narrow dusky undulations above and almost…
The Albatross is the largest and most bulky of all the birds which fly over the surface of the sea.
"Diomedea brachyura. Short-tailed Albatross. Bill 5.00 or 6.00 inches long, with long, with moderately…
"Phoibetria fuliginosa. Sooty Albatross. Plumage ordinarily uniform sooty-brown; quills and tail blackish…
The head of the anhinga is slender and cylindrical, on a slim and excessively long neck, which makes…
"Crotophaga ani. Smooth-billed Ani. Black Witch. Savanna Blackbird. Bill smooth or with a few transverse;…
The Apteryx is characterized by the rudimentary condition of the wings, which are useless as organs…
"h, root of aorta; 1, arch of aorta, to the right side; li, left innominate; ri, innominate; ls, left…
"h, root of aorta; 1, arch of aorta, to the right side; li, left innominate; ri, innominate; ls, left…
"h, root of aorta; 1, arch of aorta, to the right side; li, left innominate; ri, innominate; ls, left…
"h, root of aorta; 1, arch of aorta, to the right side; li, left innominate; ri, innominate; ls, left…
"h, root of aorta; 1, arch of aorta, to the right side; li, left innominate; ri, innominate; ls, left…
"h, root of aorta; 1, arch of aorta, to the right side; li, left innominate; ri, innominate; ls, left…
"Simorhynchus pusillus. Least Auk. Knob-nosed Auk. Bill small and simple. but stout for its length,…
"Simorhynchus pusillus. Least Auk. Knob-nosed Auk. Bill small and simple. but stout for its length,…
"Simorhynchus cristatellus. Crested Auk. Snub-nosed Auk. Bill fundamentally small and simple, compressed-conic,…
"Ceratorhina monocerata. Unicorn Auk. Horn-bill Auk. Adults in summer: Bill orange-yellow. Culmen and…
"Simorhynchus cristatellus. Crested Auk. Snub-nosed Auk. A beautiful crest of 12-20 slender feathers…
"Ceratorhina monocerata. Unicorn Auk. Horn-bill Auk. In winter: Bill orange-yellow. Culmen and base…
"Simorhynchus cristatellus. Crested Auk. Snub-nosed Auk. The whole plumage otherwise sooty - more brownish-black…
"This species (Alca impennis or Great Auk), extirpated chiefly by the persecution of fisherman, but…
"Alca Impennis. The Great Auk. A great white oval spot between eye and bill. Hood and mantle dark; under…
"Simorhynchus psittaculus. Parroquet Auk. Pug-nosed Auk. Adult in summer with the nasal saddle, moulted…
"Simorhynchus pygmaeus. Whiskered Auk. Red-nosed Auk. Bill (dry) orange-red, more salmon color or yellow…
"Ceratorhina monocerata. Unicorn Auk. Horn-bill Auk. Young: Bill like that of adults in winter, lacking…
"Simorhynchus pygmaeus. Whiskered Auk. Red-nosed Auk. Bill very small and weak, much compressed. No…
" A needle rock tenanted by Cormorants, Auks, etc." Elliot Coues, 1884 The rock is protruding from the…
"Simorhynchus pusillus. Least Auk. Knob-nosed Auk. Bill small and simple, but stout for its length,…
"Another small family, characterized by the extreme length of the slender legs, and the extreme slenderness…
"Recurvirostra. Avocets. Bell slender, more or less recurved, then the upper mandible hooked at the…
Cuckoos have elegant shapes; beaks almost as long as the head, compressed, and slightly curved; the…
"The arrangement shown in fig. 22, where a, a, a, a, are four barbs in transverse section, viewed from…
"Fig. 21. -A single barbule, baring barbicels and hooklets; magnified; after Nitzsch. ...barbicels (another…
An illustration of a barn filled with animals, including: cows, a rooster, a horse, lambs, and birds.
"Speotyto. Burrowing Owls. tarsi long, about twice as long as the middle toe without its claw, very…
"Chasmorhynchus niveus, the Bell-bird, ...have lores and orbits bare. The plumage is ordinarily plain…
"Icterus. Orioles. Bill averaging as long as head (more or less); very acute, sometimes decurved." Elliot…
"North American White Pelican. Bill and feet ordinarily yellow; much reddened in the breeding season,…
Anarhynchus frontalis, the Wry-bill of New Zealand, is grey, with a black gorget and whitish lower parts;…
"Fig. 26 - Parts of a Bill. a, side of upper mandible; b, culmen; c, nasal fossa; d, nostril; e(see…