The Rapids ClipArt gallery includes 6 views of locations where river currents move swiftly over rocks.

The Cascades, on St. Ann's Rapids. These rapids are so called from the cirumstance that a village of the same name is near. This was considered by the Canadian voyageurs the place of departure when going from Montreal on fur-trading excursions, as here was the last church upon the island. This fact suggested to Moore the thoughts expressed in the first verse of his <em>Canadian Boat Song</em>.


The Cascades, on St. Ann's Rapids. These rapids are so called from the cirumstance that a village of…

Cedars Rapids, at St. Timothy.

Cedars Rapids

Cedars Rapids, at St. Timothy.

"Scene on the James River, at Richmond. This view is from a long shaded island extending up the river from Mayo's Bridge, one of the three structures which span the stream at Richmond. Down the river from our point of view is seen Mayo's Bridge, and, in the extreme distance, the lower portion of Richmond, upon Richmond or Church Hill. Several fish-traps are seen among the rapids in the river. On the left are observed two or three smaller islands. Since the boave sketch was made, a bridge, for the accommodation of the Danville rail-way, has been constructed from the Richmond end of Mayo's Bridge, diagonally, to the southern end of the Petersburgh rail-way bridge, crossing very nearly our point of view. Not content with thus marring the beauty of one of the finest series of islands and cascades in the country, the company have covered the bridge, so as to shut out from the eyes of passengers the surrounding attractions."—Lossing, 1851

James River

"Scene on the James River, at Richmond. This view is from a long shaded island extending up the river…

A scene in the mountains with trees and water running by.


A scene in the mountains with trees and water running by.

The principal meaning of the German word strudel is whirlpool.  Big Strudel, the vortex near Grein, 94 miles upstream of Vienna. These notorious rapids, 165 feet long and 40 feet wide, were a dreaded hazard in Danube navigation before Empress Maria Theresa had some of the most dangerous rocks blasted out of the river bed in 1853. Now at lowest water, the depth is still six feet in the channel. The Strudel no longer exists.

Big Strudel

The principal meaning of the German word strudel is whirlpool. Big Strudel, the vortex near Grein, 94…

A commonly used drafting and map drawing conventional symbol for falls and rapids.

Falls and Rapids Topography Symbol

A commonly used drafting and map drawing conventional symbol for falls and rapids.