The Ferns ClipArt gallery contains 178 illustrations of ferns from around the world. Ferns differ from normal plants (gymnosperms and angiosperms) by having spores instead of seeds, and are vasclar plants, differing from lycophytes by having true leaves, which are also known as megaphylls.
All illustrations in the ClipArt ETC collection are line drawings. If you are looking for color photographs of ferns, please visit the ClipPix ETC website.
A young prothallus of a Maiden-hair and an older one with the first fern-leaf developed from near the…
The Common Male Fern (Dryopteris filix-mas) is a species of male fern in the Dryopteridaceae family.
The order marattiaceae, and the maratiia family, consists of stately tropical ferns with thickened,…
Meniscium simplex is a stove fern. The barren fronds are four to six inches long and the fertile are…
Monogramma is a grass-like fern. The trichoidea variety is a tiny, bark inhabiting plant with thread…
Nephrodium fragrans ferns have fronds that are six to nine inches long. The fronds are oblong and lance…
The nephrodium leuzeanum fern has fronds that are four to six feet long. The pinnae are about one to…
Nephrodium molle corymbiferum has branched fronds that are one to two feet long. The top of each branch…
Nephrodium molle grandiceps is a large garden variety with a large terminal crest.
Nephrodium patens cristata is a garden form with the pinnae curiously forked and crested.
Nephrolepis bostoniensis is a free growing fern with dark green, spreading leaves. It is good as a pot…
Pictured are a portion of the frond and detached pinna of the nephrolepis davallioides furcans fern.…
The fronds of the nephrolepis davallioides fern are drooping and two to three feet long. This fern is…
Pictured are the habit and a portion of the detached frond of nephrolepis duffii. The fronds are tufted…
The leaves of nephrolepis elegantissima compacta are about a foot long, erect, dense, and numerous.
Nephrolepis magnifica is a free grower of open habit. The leaves are erect and fifteen inches long.
The leaves of nephrolepis muscosa are six to eight inches long and four to five inches broad. The leaves…
An illustration of section through a pinnule of the frond and sorus of Aspidium: b, mesophyll; sch,…
Nothochlaena nivea hookeri ferns have dilated segments and leaves attached at the base.
Nothochlaena fronds are one to two feet long and one to two inches broad.
The fronds of nothochlaena trichomanoides are six to twelve inches long and about to one and a half…
This illustration shows the sensitive fern, Onoclea: A, portion of normal green leaf. B, a spore-bearing…
Ophioglossum vulgatum ambiguum is a smaller form of common adler's tongue. The spike is one to two inches…
Osmunda cinnamomea ferns are densely tufted. The barren and fertile fronds are distinct.
The fronds of osmunda claytoniana are one to two feet long. This fern can be found in North America…
Osmunda regalis corymbifera is a variety of royal fern. This fern has curiously forked and crested fronds.
The common name of pellaea is cliff brake fern. The brachyptera variety is a greenhouse fern. The fronds…
Pellaea hastata fronds are six inches to two feet long. The fern is native to South Africa.
Pellaea rotundifolia has round leaves. The fronds are six to twelve inches long. There are ten to twenty…
A stout fern with brown scales. Fronds range between 1 foot and 3 feet in length, and 1 inch in width.
A Common Polypody, or Polypodium vulgare, leaf and root. The fern is commonly found on walls, river…
An illustration of a young prothallus: sp, spore; pr, prothallus. A prothallium, or prothallus is usually…
An illustration of a microscopic view under the surface of a young prothallus: pr, prothallus; w, root-hairs;…
The flat, heart shaped body which results from the development of a spore of a fern.
Royal fern is the common name of osmunda regalis. The fronds are two to six feet long. This fern is…
A wide-creeping fern with long reddish-brown fronds, which grow to be approximately 1 foot in length.…
Scythian lamb is the common name of cibotium barometz. It is a trunkless tree-fern. It is native to…
An illustration of a sea fern fossil from the carboniferous period. The Carboniferous is a geologic…
The Silver Fern (Cyathea dealbata) is a plant in the Cyatheaceae family of tree ferns. It was also known…
Spermatozooid, mature male germ cells, of Adiantum capillus-veneris. Also called spermatozoid.
An illustration of a germinating spore of the common polypody: sp, exospore; k, first root-hair.
An illustration of a germinating spore of the common polypody: sp, exospore; k, first root-hair.
"Scalariform or ladder-like prismatic vessels of a Tree Fern." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893
Pecopteris, frond of an ancient tree fern, was a form genus of leaves from several unrelated plant groups…
A Tree-Fern, Dicksonia arborescens, with a young one near its base. In front a common herbaceous Fern…
A trembling fern with fronds ranging between 2 feet and 4 feet in length, and 6 inches and 2 feet in…
Underground fernery consists of a large cavity, dug in the middle of a hill, covered with sheet glass.…
The Walking Fern, Camptosorus, showing its fruit-dots on the veins approximated in pairs.
A spore-case from the Walking-Fern, Camptosorus, just bursting by the partial straightening of the incomplete…