This ClipArt gallery offers 28 images related to Norway, including scenic views, people, and Norse mythology.

(1872-1928) Norwegian explorer most famous for first reaching the North and South Poles.

Roald Amundsen

(1872-1928) Norwegian explorer most famous for first reaching the North and South Poles.

Prince Oscar of Sweden and Norway.

Oscar Carl August

Prince Oscar of Sweden and Norway.

(1810-1880) Norwegian violinist that traveled around Europe and to the United States

Ole Bull

(1810-1880) Norwegian violinist that traveled around Europe and to the United States

"Canute." — Lardner, 1885


"Canute." — Lardner, 1885

"Among the Danish kings of England, Canute stands preeminent for his wisdom and military prowess. His father, Sweyn, king of Denmark, after a most successful campaign against the Saxons, entered London in triumph, and England was completely conquered." — Goodrich, 1844

Canute and followers

"Among the Danish kings of England, Canute stands preeminent for his wisdom and military prowess. His…

Canute the Great, Danish king of England, Denmark and Norway

Canute by the Sea-Shore

Canute the Great, Danish king of England, Denmark and Norway

An extravagant church at Hitterdal.


An extravagant church at Hitterdal.

Fiords are valleys that were deeply eroded by slowly moving masses of ice called glaciers, subsequently partially submerged.

Fiords on Norway Coast

Fiords are valleys that were deeply eroded by slowly moving masses of ice called glaciers, subsequently…

A war galley was a Norwegian Viking ship.

War Galley

A war galley was a Norwegian Viking ship.

"Remains of the Viking ships of Gokstad, after its removal from the mound where it was found."—Gordy, 1912

Remains of the Viking Ship Gokstad

"Remains of the Viking ships of Gokstad, after its removal from the mound where it was found."—Gordy,…

(1872-1957) King of Norway from 1905-1957

Haakon VII

(1872-1957) King of Norway from 1905-1957

Norwegian king during World War I.

Haakon VII

Norwegian king during World War I.

(1861-1930) Norwegian Arctic explorer.

Fridtjof Nansen

(1861-1930) Norwegian Arctic explorer.

A Norse boat unearthed at Sandefjord.


A Norse boat unearthed at Sandefjord.

One of the most important remains from the Viking age was found at the grave site Gokstadhaugen in Sandefjord. The Gokstad ship was found in 1880, and is now in the Viking Ship Museum in Oslo. A replica of Gokstad ship, called Gaia currently has Sandefjord as home port.

Norse Boat Unearthed at Sandefjord

One of the most important remains from the Viking age was found at the grave site Gokstadhaugen in Sandefjord.…

The Northmen, or Norsemen, landing on America in 1000 A.D.


The Northmen, or Norsemen, landing on America in 1000 A.D.

A name applied to the inhabitants of the coast regions of Scandinavia and North Germany, who were noted in the Middle Ages for their skill in navigating the sea.


A name applied to the inhabitants of the coast regions of Scandinavia and North Germany, who were noted…

Norse boat used as a habitation.


Norse boat used as a habitation.

A tablet by the Norsemen.

Norsemen Tablet

A tablet by the Norsemen.

The Northmen of the seas.


The Northmen of the seas.

A woman of Norway.

Norwegian Woman

A woman of Norway.

Odin was the god of gods in Norse mythology.


Odin was the god of gods in Norse mythology.

King of Sweden and Norway, born in Stockholm, Swden, Jan. 21, 1829. He is a son of Oscar I., and a brother of Charles XV.

Fredrick Oscar

King of Sweden and Norway, born in Stockholm, Swden, Jan. 21, 1829. He is a son of Oscar I., and a brother…

The Greal Seal of Norway

The Great Seal of Norway

The Greal Seal of Norway

Sophia of Nassau (Sophia Wilhelmine Marianne Henriette, Swedish: Sofia; 9 July 1836 - 30 December 1913) was Queen consort of Sweden and Norway. Sophia was Queen of Sweden for 35 years, longer than any other Swedish queen before her.

Sophia of Nassau

Sophia of Nassau (Sophia Wilhelmine Marianne Henriette, Swedish: Sofia; 9 July 1836 - 30 December 1913)…

"In Old Norse mythology, the maiden attendants of Odin, who, at his command, rode over battlefields and bore the souls of the bravest of the slain to Valhalla, Odin's great hall." -Foster, 1921


"In Old Norse mythology, the maiden attendants of Odin, who, at his command, rode over battlefields…

An old Viking boat found buried in Norway.


An old Viking boat found buried in Norway.

Borgund stave church is a stave church located in Borgund, Lærdal, Norway. It is classified as a triple nave stave church of the so-called Sogn-type. It was probably built in the end of the 12th century, and has not changed structure or had a major reconstruction since that date.The church site shows evidence of a previous building, which can point to an earlier church or perhaps an old pagan temple that had been taken into use as a church. The interior of the church, except for the pulpit and the altarpiece, is mainly free from the post-Reformation decorations seen in most other stave churches. An authentic medieval square-shaped baptismal font made of soapstone is still a part of the interior.Borgund stave church is owned by Fortidsminneforeningen (The Society for the Preservation of Norwegian Ancient Monuments)."The wood buildings of Norway lay claim to a certain monumental and historical importance, partly because they belong to the oldest class of buildings of this description, and partly owing to the purpose for which they were erected, namely, to serve as churches. The case is different as regards the merit of their artistic construction and beauty of shape, in both of which points the standard attained is not a high one, as shown by [this image]. The details principally show traces of the architectural styles prevalent at the time of their erection, viz., the Romanesque and Byzantine, while the main forms must be considered as the result of a severe climate. The perishable nature of the material employed was also naturally prejudicial to any advanced and regular development of architectural skills. From these causes the whole design assumed a pyramidal shape, whilst the climate necessitated mode of construction which is peculiar to the buildings in question. As a projection against its rigours the structures were surrounded by covered passages ornamented externally with those little arcades which are a distinguishing feature of the Romanesque style, whilst the roofs were necessarily very steep in shape on account of the heavy falls of snow, and were covered with wood shingles, tiles, or slates. The form of construction is rather rough, for the corners are generally formed of rude logs, whilst the walls between merely consist of upright boards jointed to one another. Churches of this description are know in Norway by the name of Fascine Churches. Although the construction is thus artless, yet an effort to enrich the whole by individual details and by employment of painted embellishments is frequently to be noticed. This especially effected by means of arabesque-like carvings on the doorways and gables."

Wood Church at Burgund

Borgund stave church is a stave church located in Borgund, Lærdal, Norway. It is classified as…