The North America ClipArt collection offers 2,567 illustrations including Canada, the United States, and Mexico, The collection contains images of landmarks, buildings, cityscapes, people, stamps, coins, and views of everyday life. Illustrations of Greenland will be found in the Europe collection as it is culturally and politically a part of that continent. The single illustration related to Bermuda may be found in the Caribbean collection.

The Canadian ClipArt collection offers 111 illustrations arranged in 5 galleries. The images include famous landmarks and buildings, postage stamps, flags, Canadian leaders, as well as coats of arms for the various provinces.


The Canadian ClipArt collection offers 111 illustrations arranged in 5 galleries. The images include famous landmarks and buildings, postage stamps, flags, Canadian leaders, as well as coats of arms for…

The Mexico ClipArt gallery offers 84 ClipArt illustrations of cityscapes, culture, battles, stamps, coins, and historic cultures of Mexico throughout history.


The Mexico ClipArt gallery offers 84 ClipArt illustrations of cityscapes, culture, battles, stamps, coins, and historic cultures of Mexico throughout history.

The United States ClipArt collection offers 2,372 images of the United States sorted into 72 galleries by individual state. The illustrations include historic buildings, statues, views, and scenes of everyday life. For more illustrations related to the United States, please see the <a href="">"American History and Government"</a> section of ClipArt ETC.

United States

The United States ClipArt collection offers 2,372 images of the United States sorted into 72 galleries by individual state. The illustrations include historic buildings, statues, views, and scenes of…