The Domes ClipArt gallery offers 23 examples of domes used in architecture.
The Karlskirche (German for St. Charles's Church) is a church situated on the south side of Karlsplatz,…
The Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore is the cathedral church (Duomo) of Florence, Italy, begun in 1296…
The most imposing and original of all Indian domes are those of the Jumma Musjid and of the Tomb of…
"Dome-System of the Church of Sta. Sophia at Constantinople. The Byzantine style of this first period…
"Exterior of the Church of Sta. Sophia at Constantinople. Although the impression conveyed by this church…
"Interior of the Church of Sta. Sophia at Constantinople. Besides the Narthex, there was a second vestibule:…
"Section of the Church of Sta. Sophia at Constantinople. The Byzantine style of this first period reached…
"Semi-dome, exterior. Apse of Suleimanié Mosque, Constantinople (A.D. 1550)." -Whitney, 1911
"Semi-dome, interior. Apse of Suleimanié Mosque, Constantinople (A.D. 1550)." -Whitney, 1911
"The finest monument of this time is the Pantheon of Rome, first built about B.C. 27, which is one of…
The Panthéon (Latin Pantheon, from Greek Pantheon, meaning "Every god") is a building in the Latin…
A pendentive is a constructive device permitting the placing of a circular dome over a square room or…
"Michel-Angelo assumed such considerable and prominent position by his genius and authority, that his…
"Michel-Angelo assumed such considerable and prominent position by his genius and authority, that his…
The pantheon at Rome is a temple that was built to all the gods of Ancient Rome. It was built by Marcus…
"Section of the Church of S. Constantia at Rome. The simplest desctiptions of this kind of building…
A late Renaissance church located in the Vatican in Rome, Italy. By Catholic Tradition, the Basilica…
"More than one cause served to render the compositions of Palladio so celebrated. He possessed an especial…