The investing sheaths or dead leaf-bases striped off. The faint cross-lines represent the scars, where the leaves were attached, i.e. the nodes: the spaces between are the internodes. The exhausted corm of the previous year is underneath; forming ones for next year on the summit and sides.

Corm of a Crocus

The investing sheaths or dead leaf-bases striped off. The faint cross-lines represent the scars, where…

A ground leaf of White Lily, its base (cut across) thickened into a bulb-scale. This plainly shows that bulb-scales are leaves.

White Lily

A ground leaf of White Lily, its base (cut across) thickened into a bulb-scale. This plainly shows that…

Leaf of the Quince: <em>b</em>, blade; <em>p</em>, petiole; <em>st</em>, stipules.


Leaf of the Quince: b, blade; p, petiole; st, stipules.

Palmate leaf of five leaflets of the Sweet Buckeye.

Palmate Leaf

Palmate leaf of five leaflets of the Sweet Buckeye.

Series of bud-scales and foliage-leaves from a developing bud of the Low Sweet Buckeye, showing nearly complete gradation, from a scale to a compound leaf of five leaflets; and that the scales answer to reduced petioles.

Low Sweet Buckeye

Series of bud-scales and foliage-leaves from a developing bud of the Low Sweet Buckeye, showing nearly…

Leaf of Lathyrus Aphaca, consisting of a pair of stipules and a tendrils.

Lathyrus Aphaca

Leaf of Lathyrus Aphaca, consisting of a pair of stipules and a tendrils.

Leaf of Sarracenia purpurea, entire, and another with the upper part cut off.

Sarracenia Purpurea

Leaf of Sarracenia purpurea, entire, and another with the upper part cut off.

Leaf of Nepenthes; foliage, tendril, and pitcher combined.


Leaf of Nepenthes; foliage, tendril, and pitcher combined.

Piece of a branch of Pitch Pine, with three leaves in a fascicle or bundle, in the axial of a thin scale, which answers to a primary leaf. The bundle is surrounded at the base by a short sheath, formed of the delicate scales of the auxiliary bud.

Pitch Pine

Piece of a branch of Pitch Pine, with three leaves in a fascicle or bundle, in the axial of a thin scale,…

Shoot with its leaves 5-ranked, the sixth leaf over the first; as in the Apple-tree.


Shoot with its leaves 5-ranked, the sixth leaf over the first; as in the Apple-tree.

A plant with large fleshy leaves that yields many products. It is a tall plant with a spiny top that only blossoms after ten to seventy years.


A plant with large fleshy leaves that yields many products. It is a tall plant with a spiny top that…

A plant that varies in size but always has thick fleshy leaves that are spined. It also contains a juice that is used for medicinal purposes.


A plant that varies in size but always has thick fleshy leaves that are spined. It also contains a juice…

Magnified section through the thickness of a leaf of Florida Star-Anise.

Florida Star-Anise

Magnified section through the thickness of a leaf of Florida Star-Anise.

Magnified section of a leaf of White Lily, to exhibit the cellular structure, both of upper and lower stratum, the air-passages of the lower, and the epidermis or skin, in section, also a little of that of the lower face, with some of its stomates.

White Lily

Magnified section of a leaf of White Lily, to exhibit the cellular structure, both of upper and lower…

Small portion of epidermis of the lower face of a White-Lily leaf, with stomata.

White Lily leaf

Small portion of epidermis of the lower face of a White-Lily leaf, with stomata.

A small homoterous insect, <em>Phylloscelis Atra</em> (var. <em>pallescens</em>) is not uncommon among the brambles and weeds in meadows in Maryland; it is one of a singular round or broad oval shape, being about 0.20 in length by 0.13 in breadth; the fore thigh are much thickened, and the hind tibiae or shanks are quite long and spiney on their outer edges, and are fitted for leaping. The color of this insect is black, having two orange-brown stripes on the thorax, two longitudinal stripes of the same color on the outer wings and on the border of their scutel.

Black Leaf-Leg

A small homoterous insect, Phylloscelis Atra (var. pallescens) is not uncommon among…

The coca plant is the source of the coca leaf used in medicine and in the production of cocaine


The coca plant is the source of the coca leaf used in medicine and in the production of cocaine

A detached embryo from a Mirabilis, showing the very broad and leaf-like cotyledons, applied face to face, and the pair incurved.

Mirabilis Embryo

A detached embryo from a Mirabilis, showing the very broad and leaf-like cotyledons, applied face to…

Germinating onion, morre advanced; the chink at base of cotyledon opening for the protrusion of the plumule, consisting of a thread-shaped leaf.


Germinating onion, morre advanced; the chink at base of cotyledon opening for the protrusion of the…

The embryo, taken out whole: the thick mass is the cotyledon; the narrow body partly enclosed by it is the plumule; the little projection at its base is the very short radicle enclosed in the sheathing base of the first leaf of the plumule.

Indian Corn Embryo

The embryo, taken out whole: the thick mass is the cotyledon; the narrow body partly enclosed by it…

Grain of Indian Corn in germination; the ascending sprout is the first leaf of the plumule, enclosing the younger leaves within; at its base the primary root has broken through.

Indian Corn Grain

Grain of Indian Corn in germination; the ascending sprout is the first leaf of the plumule, enclosing…

Grain of Indian Corn in advanced germination; the second and third leaves developing, while the sheathing first leaf does not further develop.

Indian Corn Grain

Grain of Indian Corn in advanced germination; the second and third leaves developing, while the sheathing…

Corm of a Crocus, the investing sheaths or dead leaf-bases stripped off. The faint cross-lines represent the scars, where the leaves were attached, i. e. the nodes: the spaces between are the internodes. The exhausted corm of the previous year is underneath; forming ones for next year on the summit and sides.


Corm of a Crocus, the investing sheaths or dead leaf-bases stripped off. The faint cross-lines represent…

A leaf of the Lily of the Valley

Lily of the Valley

A leaf of the Lily of the Valley

A leaf of the Calla Lily.

Calla Lily

A leaf of the Calla Lily.

A twice-primate leaf of the Honey-Locust.


A twice-primate leaf of the Honey-Locust.

Ternately decompound leaf of Meadow Rue.

Meadow Rue

Ternately decompound leaf of Meadow Rue.

The ambiguous leaf of Myrsiphyllum.


The ambiguous leaf of Myrsiphyllum.

Leaf of Ruscus, or Butcher's Broom


Leaf of Ruscus, or Butcher's Broom

Leaf of Red Clover: <em>at</em>, stipules, adhering to the base of <em>p</em>, the petiole; <em>b</em>, blade of three leaflets.

Red Clover

Leaf of Red Clover: at, stipules, adhering to the base of p, the petiole; b,…

Part of stem and leaf of Prince's-Feather (Polygonum orientale) with the united sheathing stipules forming a sheath or ocrea.


Part of stem and leaf of Prince's-Feather (Polygonum orientale) with the united sheathing stipules forming…

Diagram of a shoot with its leaves 5-ranked, with a spiral line drawn from the attachment of one leaf to the next, and so only the parts on the side turned from the eye are fainter.


Diagram of a shoot with its leaves 5-ranked, with a spiral line drawn from the attachment of one leaf…

A ground-plan of the 5-ranked shoot; the section of the leaves; a dotted line drawn from the edge of one leaf to that of the next marks out the spiral.


A ground-plan of the 5-ranked shoot; the section of the leaves; a dotted line drawn from the edge of…

Diagram of the lower part of an anther, cut across above, and the upper part of a leaf, to show how the one answers to the other; the filament to petiole, the connective to midrib; the two cells to the right and left halves of the blade.


Diagram of the lower part of an anther, cut across above, and the upper part of a leaf, to show how…

An inrolled small leaf, such as in double-flowered Cherry blossoms is often seen to occupy the place of a pistil.

Cherry Blossom

An inrolled small leaf, such as in double-flowered Cherry blossoms is often seen to occupy the place…

A simple pistil (of Isopyrm), with ovary cut across; the inner (ventral) face turned toward the eye: the ovules seem to be borne on the ventral suture, answering to leaf-margins: the stigma above seen also to answer to leaf margins.


A simple pistil (of Isopyrm), with ovary cut across; the inner (ventral) face turned toward the eye:…

Section through the thickness of a leaf of Florida Star-Anise.

Florida Star-Anise

Section through the thickness of a leaf of Florida Star-Anise.

Small portion of epidermis of the lower face of a White-Lily leaf, with stomata, in the closed state.


Small portion of epidermis of the lower face of a White-Lily leaf, with stomata, in the closed state.

Small portion of epidermis of the lower face of a White-Lily leaf, with stomata open.


Small portion of epidermis of the lower face of a White-Lily leaf, with stomata open.

A young prothallus of a Maiden-hair and an older one with the first fern-leaf developed from near the notch.


A young prothallus of a Maiden-hair and an older one with the first fern-leaf developed from near the…

Base of a leaf and contained sporocarp filled with microspores cut across.


Base of a leaf and contained sporocarp filled with microspores cut across.

Base of a leaf and contained sporocarp filled with microspores cut lengthwise.


Base of a leaf and contained sporocarp filled with microspores cut lengthwise.

Top of a leaf, cut across; it consists of a single layer of cells.


Top of a leaf, cut across; it consists of a single layer of cells.

A grape-vine leaf gall-louse. The insect forms galls on the under side of the grape-vine leaves, and although they appear to do comparatively little injury to the vine, they are extremely interesting to vine-growers.


A grape-vine leaf gall-louse. The insect forms galls on the under side of the grape-vine leaves, and…

Cysts on a living rose leaf.


Cysts on a living rose leaf.

Cysts on a living rose leaf.


Cysts on a living rose leaf.

Cysts on a living rose leaf, sectional view.


Cysts on a living rose leaf, sectional view.

Spores and cysts on a living rose leaf.


Spores and cysts on a living rose leaf.

Cottony maple scale, Pulminaria innumerabilis, showing, at a, the female on a leaf and, at b, same on a twig.

Maple Scale

Cottony maple scale, Pulminaria innumerabilis, showing, at a, the female on a leaf and, at b, same on…

Galls of Phylloxera on grape-leaf.

Phylloxera Galls

Galls of Phylloxera on grape-leaf.

Cock's-comb gall on elm, Colopha ulmicola- an elm-leaf showing galls.


Cock's-comb gall on elm, Colopha ulmicola- an elm-leaf showing galls.

Elm-leaf beetle, Galeruca xanthomelaena; a, egg patches on leaves; b, larva feeding; c, adult feeding.


Elm-leaf beetle, Galeruca xanthomelaena; a, egg patches on leaves; b, larva feeding; c, adult feeding.

Elm-leaf beetle, Galeruca xanthomelaena; egg mass.


Elm-leaf beetle, Galeruca xanthomelaena; egg mass.

Elm-leaf beetle, Galeruca xanthomelaena; surface of the egg.


Elm-leaf beetle, Galeruca xanthomelaena; surface of the egg.

Elm-leaf beetle, Galeruca xanthomelaena; larva.


Elm-leaf beetle, Galeruca xanthomelaena; larva.

Elm-leaf beetle, Galeruca xanthomelaena; detail of larva.


Elm-leaf beetle, Galeruca xanthomelaena; detail of larva.

Elm-leaf beetle, Galeruca xanthomelaena; detail of larva.


Elm-leaf beetle, Galeruca xanthomelaena; detail of larva.

Elm-leaf beetle, Galeruca xanthomelaena; pupa.


Elm-leaf beetle, Galeruca xanthomelaena; pupa.

Elm-leaf beetle, Galeruca xanthomelaena; beetle.


Elm-leaf beetle, Galeruca xanthomelaena; beetle.

Elm-leaf beetle, Galeruca xanthomelaena; surface of elytra.


Elm-leaf beetle, Galeruca xanthomelaena; surface of elytra.