Horace Greeley's Liberal Republicans attempt to steal President Grant's policies (pants).

Greeley's Attempt to Steal Grant's Policies

Horace Greeley's Liberal Republicans attempt to steal President Grant's policies (pants).

Carl Schurz's attacks on President Grant are "played out."

Schurz's Attacks on Grant are Played Out

Carl Schurz's attacks on President Grant are "played out."

Horace Greeley relinquishes Editorship of the New York Tribune - no longer a "party organ."

Greeley Relinquishes Editorship

Horace Greeley relinquishes Editorship of the New York Tribune - no longer a "party organ."

Horace Greeley's storm battered coat and hat from "something that will blow over."

Greeley's Coat and Hat

Horace Greeley's storm battered coat and hat from "something that will blow over."

President Grant crushing honesty and tipping the scale of his past actions.

Grant Tipping Scales

President Grant crushing honesty and tipping the scale of his past actions.

Horace Greeley as the Trojan Horse of the Democratic Party who will do "anything to get in" but "you can't play the old Trojan Horse on Uncle Sam."

Greeley as Trojan Horse of Democratic Party

Horace Greeley as the Trojan Horse of the Democratic Party who will do "anything to get in" but "you…

A reminder of Horace Greeley's past record, another feather in the hat.

Greeley's Past Record

A reminder of Horace Greeley's past record, another feather in the hat.

Horace Greeley's past editorials come back to haunt him.

Greeley's Past Editorials Haunt

Horace Greeley's past editorials come back to haunt him.

Horace Greeley whitewashing the Tammany Tiger. "What are you going to do about it," if "old honesty" lets him loose again?"

Greeley Whitewashing the Tammany Tiger

Horace Greeley whitewashing the Tammany Tiger. "What are you going to do about it," if "old honesty"…

Horace Greeley covering the "Monument of Infamy" associated with Tammany Democrats. "The whited sepulcher - covering the monument of infamy with his white hat and coat."

Greeley Covers Monument of Infamy

Horace Greeley covering the "Monument of Infamy" associated with Tammany Democrats. "The whited sepulcher…

Mixing day at Harper's Weekly - making mud to fling at Greeley.

Greeley's Mud Throwing

Mixing day at Harper's Weekly - making mud to fling at Greeley.

As usual, Horace Greeley puts his foot in it.

Greeley's Foot In It

As usual, Horace Greeley puts his foot in it.

Sure thing, Horace Greeley is between two stools.

Greeley Between Two Stools

Sure thing, Horace Greeley is between two stools.

Horace Greeley attempting to woo Miss Columbia May. "None but the brave deserves the fair."

Greeley Wooing Miss Columbia

Horace Greeley attempting to woo Miss Columbia May. "None but the brave deserves the fair."

Liberal Republicans wrecked by a tidal wave, "we are on the home stretch."

Liberal Republicans Home Stretch

Liberal Republicans wrecked by a tidal wave, "we are on the home stretch."

Ulysses S. Grant's victory in the 1872 Presidential Election.

Grant's Presidential Victory

Ulysses S. Grant's victory in the 1872 Presidential Election.

Horace Greeley's defeat in the 1872 Presidential Election - "dismounted from the Democratic steed."

Greeley's Defeat in 1872

Horace Greeley's defeat in the 1872 Presidential Election - "dismounted from the Democratic steed."

Columbia mourns the Boston Fire.

Boston Fire Mourned

Columbia mourns the Boston Fire.

Carl Schurz's claims consigned to the dustbin after the 1872 Election defeat.

Schurz's Claims Consigned

Carl Schurz's claims consigned to the dustbin after the 1872 Election defeat.

The story of the good little boy who did not prosper, an illustration by Thomas Nast for a story by Mark Twain.

Good Little Boy Who Did Not Prosper

The story of the good little boy who did not prosper, an illustration by Thomas Nast for a story by…

The game of fox and geese; a view of the legal trials of the period.

Legal Trials of the Period

The game of fox and geese; a view of the legal trials of the period.

The Credit Mobilier Scandal rocks the Republican Party - "every public question with an eye only to the public good."

Credit Mobilier Scandal

The Credit Mobilier Scandal rocks the Republican Party - "every public question with an eye only to…

The meeting of Nast and Watterson in central Jersey.

Nast and Waterson in Jersey

The meeting of Nast and Watterson in central Jersey.

Tweed and Erie Rings playing Blindman's Bluff with Justice. "How long will the game last?"

Tweed and Erie Rings Playing Blindman's Bluff

Tweed and Erie Rings playing Blindman's Bluff with Justice. "How long will the game last?"

James Bennett (New York Herald Editor) parodied as Nick Bottom from <em>A Midsummer Night's Dream</em> with the illusion of President Grant's "Caesarism."

Bennett as Nick Bottom

James Bennett (New York Herald Editor) parodied as Nick Bottom from A Midsummer Night's Dream

James Bennett (New York Herald Editor) and President Grant parodied as "where there is an evil" (Caesarism scare) "there is a remedy" (ridicule).

Bennett and President Grant

James Bennett (New York Herald Editor) and President Grant parodied as "where there is an evil" (Caesarism…

Nast shoos away the Herald insect while a caricature of the "Caesar Ghost," a caricature of a caricature, appears on the blackboard near at hand.

Nast Shoos Herald Insect

Nast shoos away the Herald insect while a caricature of the "Caesar Ghost," a caricature of a caricature,…

Anti-Spanish cartoon following the massacre of filibusters on board the Virginius. "If he can't respect our flag, send him where he belongs."

Anti-Spanish Cartoon Following Massacre of Filibusters

Anti-Spanish cartoon following the massacre of filibusters on board the Virginius. "If he can't respect…

Black Friday bust in Wall Street

Black Friday Bust

Black Friday bust in Wall Street

"Peculiar position of some members when asked to refund the back-pay grab."

Back-Pay Grab

"Peculiar position of some members when asked to refund the back-pay grab."

"By inflation, you will burst. Uncle Sam: 'You stupid money-bag! There is just so much money in you; and you can not make it any more by blowing yourself up.'"

Inflationary Dangers

"By inflation, you will burst. Uncle Sam: 'You stupid money-bag! There is just so much money in you;…

Benjamin Butler as the Genie of Massachusetts smells blue blood, threatening the "cradle of liberty" with his 1874 Inflation Bill.

1874 Inflation Bill

Benjamin Butler as the Genie of Massachusetts smells blue blood, threatening the "cradle of liberty"…

President Grant vetoes the 1874 Inflation Bill, bottling the Genie of Butler.

Grant Vetoes Inflation Bill

President Grant vetoes the 1874 Inflation Bill, bottling the Genie of Butler.

The Greenback Group (Pro-Inflation) made up of Senators Logan, Morton, Cameron, and Carpenter shown as "peevish schoolboys."

Greenback Group Caricature

The Greenback Group (Pro-Inflation) made up of Senators Logan, Morton, Cameron, and Carpenter shown…

Uncle Sam criticizes Congress proposal to reduce the Army and Navy.

Retrenchment of U.S. Armed Forces

Uncle Sam criticizes Congress proposal to reduce the Army and Navy.

The Senate rejects Alexander Shepherd as Governor of the District of Columbia.

Shepherd Rejected by Senate for Governor of DC

The Senate rejects Alexander Shepherd as Governor of the District of Columbia.

President Grant's Caesarism image appears to New York Herald Editor Bennett again.

Grant's Caesarism Appears to Bennett

President Grant's Caesarism image appears to New York Herald Editor Bennett again.

Capital divided the Dollar in front of Labourer.

Inflation Is As Easy As Lying

Capital divided the Dollar in front of Labourer.

New York Tribune joins New York Herald on the third term hobby horse of anti-Grant editorials.

NY Tribune and NY Herald

New York Tribune joins New York Herald on the third term hobby horse of anti-Grant editorials.

Army of the Frontier stands firm against Indian outbreaks, despite retrenchment, red-tape, and a political false economy.

Stand Against Indian Outbreaks

Army of the Frontier stands firm against Indian outbreaks, despite retrenchment, red-tape, and a political…

The first appearance of the Republican Elephant. Ceasarism fears drive the party's support towards an abyss during the third-term panic.

Republican Elephant Caesarism

The first appearance of the Republican Elephant. Ceasarism fears drive the party's support towards an…

Republicans suffer setbacks in 1874 mid-terms after being "caught in a trap" from the result of the third-term hoax.

Republican Setbacks in 1874

Republicans suffer setbacks in 1874 mid-terms after being "caught in a trap" from the result of the…

Criticism for opponents of the 1875 Specie Resumption Act. "The lost traveller condemning the Post which points him the way."

Specie Resumption Act of 1875

Criticism for opponents of the 1875 Specie Resumption Act. "The lost traveller condemning the Post which…

Hoaxer James Bennett (New York Herald Editor) as "the funny little boy in trouble." "Mr. Bennett complains that he is being ridiculed and is advised by Wisdom to give up his practical jokes."

Bennett is the Little Boy in Trouble

Hoaxer James Bennett (New York Herald Editor) as "the funny little boy in trouble." "Mr. Bennett complains…

Martial Law in Louisiana in 1875. The U.S. Bayonet is not partisan in the Louisiana Legislature.

Louisiana's Martial Law in 1875

Martial Law in Louisiana in 1875. The U.S. Bayonet is not partisan in the Louisiana Legislature.

President Grant's Civil Service Reform is not to the liking of either party, despite enthusiasm.

Grant's Civil Service Reform

President Grant's Civil Service Reform is not to the liking of either party, despite enthusiasm.

The Civil Rights Act of 1875 depicted with an African American talking to Saint Peter that he can't object to keeping the gates open now.

Civil Rights Act of 1875

The Civil Rights Act of 1875 depicted with an African American talking to Saint Peter that he can't…

Bennett and Reid (New York Herald and New York Tribune) assail the apparition of Caesarism. In the eye of the spectre, the words "Third Term" appear.

Bennett and Reid Assailing Ceasarism

Bennett and Reid (New York Herald and New York Tribune) assail the apparition of Caesarism. In the eye…

"The trunk in sight. First appearance since the Fall (elections)." A Republican revival in New Hampshire.

Republican Revival in New Hampshire

"The trunk in sight. First appearance since the Fall (elections)." A Republican revival in New Hampshire.

"Another mysterious disappearance" of the Republican vote. Democratic victory in Connecticut.

Democratic Victory in Connecticut

"Another mysterious disappearance" of the Republican vote. Democratic victory in Connecticut.

"Captured at last (June 3, 1875)." The wedding of General Phil Sheridan.

General Phil Sheridan's Wedding

"Captured at last (June 3, 1875)." The wedding of General Phil Sheridan.

President Ulysses S. Grant shows his reluctance to take up a third term, "and they say, 'he wants a third term.'"

Grant Reluctant for Third Term

President Ulysses S. Grant shows his reluctance to take up a third term, "and they say, 'he wants a…

James Bennett (New York Herald Editor) contemplates more attacks on President Grant: "If Grant isn't careful, I'll let the wild animals loose again."

Bennett Contemplates Attacks on Grant

James Bennett (New York Herald Editor) contemplates more attacks on President Grant: "If Grant isn't…

Allen Thurman "Hard Money" finds that the Greenback faction is growing with the depiction of a rag-baby symbol on the doorstep.

Thurman Finds Greenbacks Growing

Allen Thurman "Hard Money" finds that the Greenback faction is growing with the depiction of a rag-baby…

The Republicans get ahead in Fall 1875 elections by smashing the "reformed" Tammany Hall.

Republicans Smash Tammany Hall

The Republicans get ahead in Fall 1875 elections by smashing the "reformed" Tammany Hall.

The Whisky Ring Scandal surfaces at the U.S. Treasury.

Whisky Ring Scandal

The Whisky Ring Scandal surfaces at the U.S. Treasury.

The Legal Pointer is off scent to get justice.

Legal Pointer Off Scent

The Legal Pointer is off scent to get justice.

Boss Tweed released from prison after one year. "The upright bench, which is above criticism."

Tweed Released After 1 Year In Jail

Boss Tweed released from prison after one year. "The upright bench, which is above criticism."

Tweed makes the Supreme Court into a mummy. Tammany Tweedledee: "She is going to punish us." Canal Tweedledum: "That's the best joke yet."

Tweed Mocks Supreme Court

Tweed makes the Supreme Court into a mummy. Tammany Tweedledee: "She is going to punish us." Canal Tweedledum:…

President Grant denies his ambitions for a Third Term. "A blighting effect of the President's message."

Grant Denies Third Term

President Grant denies his ambitions for a Third Term. "A blighting effect of the President's message."