Insect claw.


Insect claw.

An insect claw.

Insect Claw

An insect claw.

An insect claw.

Insect Anatomy

An insect claw.

Lobster claw.


Lobster claw.

Clove. 1, section of flower; 2, fruit.


Clove. 1, section of flower; 2, fruit.

Cobnuts (Corylus tubulosa). 1, nut; 2, 3, sections of nut.


Cobnuts (Corylus tubulosa). 1, nut; 2, 3, sections of nut.

Coca plant. 1, flower; 2, calyx and pistil; 3, petal; 4, fruit.


Coca plant. 1, flower; 2, calyx and pistil; 3, petal; 4, fruit.

Coconut palm. A, section of fruit; a, husk; b, shell; c, albumin; d, cavity; e, embryo; f, aperture of shell; g, rudimentary aperture; B, male flower; C, female flower.

Coconut Tree

Coconut palm. A, section of fruit; a, husk; b, shell; c, albumin; d, cavity; e, embryo; f, aperture…

Compound flower anatomy. 5, capitulum of nassauvia.

Compound Flower

Compound flower anatomy. 5, capitulum of nassauvia.

Compound flower anatomy. 6, flower.

Flower Example

Compound flower anatomy. 6, flower.

Compound flower anatomy. 7, flower, palate removed.


Compound flower anatomy. 7, flower, palate removed.

Compound flower anatomy. 8, corolla and andracium opened.

Compound Flower Anatomy

Compound flower anatomy. 8, corolla and andracium opened.

Compound flower anatomy. 9, fruit.


Compound flower anatomy. 9, fruit.

Compound flower anatomy. 10, stamens.


Compound flower anatomy. 10, stamens.

Compound flower anatomy. 11, capitulum of cornflower.


Compound flower anatomy. 11, capitulum of cornflower.

Compound flower anatomy. 12, floret.

Floret Anatomy

Compound flower anatomy. 12, floret.

Compound flower anatomy. 13, neuter floret.

Neuter Floret

Compound flower anatomy. 13, neuter floret.

Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis). 1, stamen; 2, pistil.


Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis). 1, stamen; 2, pistil.

Typical form of Corolla. 4, Hypogynous petals (buttercup).


Typical form of Corolla. 4, Hypogynous petals (buttercup).

Typical form of Corolla. 15, Spurred (violet, lower petal).

Violet Petal

Typical form of Corolla. 15, Spurred (violet, lower petal).

Typical form of Corolla. 16, Caryophyllaceous (pink).

Pink Flower

Typical form of Corolla. 16, Caryophyllaceous (pink).

A cow-parsnip. 1, flower; 2, fruit; 3, carpel (section)


A cow-parsnip. 1, flower; 2, fruit; 3, carpel (section)

A cowslip. 1, flower (section).


A cowslip. 1, flower (section).

Cow-wheat. 1, flower, side view; 2, flower posterior view.


Cow-wheat. 1, flower, side view; 2, flower posterior view.

Croton Tiglium. 1, male flower (section); 2, female; 3, fruit; 4, fruit (section)

Croton Tiglium

Croton Tiglium. 1, male flower (section); 2, female; 3, fruit; 4, fruit (section)

Custard apple (Anona reticulata). 1, flower, three outer petals removed; 2, fruit and section.

Custard Apple

Custard apple (Anona reticulata). 1, flower, three outer petals removed; 2, fruit and section.

An anchor which is an instrument used for retaining a ship in a particular spot.  a, a, stock; b, shank; c, c, flukes; d, d, arms.


An anchor which is an instrument used for retaining a ship in a particular spot. a, a, stock; b, shank;…

The anatomy of a horse.  1, ears; 2, forelock; 3, forehead; 4, eyes; 5, eye-pits; 6, nose; 7, nostril; 8, point of nose; 9, lips; 10, nether jaw; 11, cheek; 12, poll; 13, mane; 14, withers; 15, parotid glands; 16, throat; 17, neck; 18, jugular vein; 19, shoulder; 20, breast; 21, ribs; 22, back; 23, loins; 24, hip; 25, flank; 26, belly; 27, haunch; 28, thigh; 29, buttock; 30, stifle; 31, leg; 32, tail; 33, hock or hough; 34, cannon or shank bone; 35, arms; 36, knees; 37, passage for girth; 38, elbow; 39, shank; 40, bullet; 41, pasterns; 42, coronet; 43, foot; 44, hoof; 45, fetlock.


The anatomy of a horse. 1, ears; 2, forelock; 3, forehead; 4, eyes; 5, eye-pits; 6, nose; 7, nostril;…

Flower anatomy. A, sectional view of a flower showing the vertical disposition of whorls. a, sepal of calyx; b, petal of corolla; c, filament of stamen; d, anther of stamen; e, ovary of pistil; f, style of pistil; g, stigma of pistil. B, Plan of the typical flower of an exogenous plant showing the horizontal disposition of its parts. a, sepal; b, petal; c, c, stamens in two different whorls; d, carpel or ovary, inclosing an ovule, attached by its funiculs.  C, Various parts of a clove. a, flower of the clove or pink; b, vertical and middle sections of flowers; c, flower showing its male and female portions - six stamen, four large, two small; d, one of the petals; e horizontal section of the ovary showing the insertion of the ovules; f, fruit at the moment of expansion; g, seed, with its funiculus; h, vertical section of seed and its embryonic contents; i, the embryo; k, horizontal section of the embryo and its contents.

Structure of a Flower

Flower anatomy. A, sectional view of a flower showing the vertical disposition of whorls. a, sepal of…

The anatomy of a polar bear's leg.  a, femur (thigh); b, tibia (leg); c, tarsus and metatarsus (foot); d, calx (heel); e, planta (sole); f, digits (toes).

Polar Bear Leg

The anatomy of a polar bear's leg. a, femur (thigh); b, tibia (leg); c, tarsus and metatarsus (foot);…

"In entomology, shaped like the longitudinal half of a barbed arrow-head, or like the barbed end of a fish-hook; accuminate, rectilinear on one side, and spreading to a sharp projection on the other: noting color-marks, especially on the wings of <i>Lepidoptera</i>." &mdash;Whitney, 1889

Semisagittate Mark

"In entomology, shaped like the longitudinal half of a barbed arrow-head, or like the barbed end of…

"A joint involving the principle of the shackle. Specifically, in anatomy, a kind of articulation found in the exoskeleton of some fishes, formed by the passing of a bony ring of one part through a perforation of another part, the two being thus movably linked together." &mdash;Whitney, 1889
<p>This illustration shows the shackle joint of a large spine with a bony plate of the skin of a siluroid fish.

Shackle Joint from the Exoskeleton of a Siluroid Fish

"A joint involving the principle of the shackle. Specifically, in anatomy, a kind of articulation found…

<i>Lolium perenne</i>. A sheath, in botany is "the part of an expanded organ that is rolled around a stem or other body, forming a tube, as in the lower part of the leaves of grasses..." &mdash;Whitney, 1889 
<p>This illustration show a single leaf of ryegrass in its sheath.

Ryegrass Leaf with Sheath

Lolium perenne. A sheath, in botany is "the part of an expanded organ that is rolled around a stem or…

<i>Sipunculus nudus</i>. A species of unsegmented marine worm, commonly called the peanut worm. "A, One fourth natural size, in longitudinal section. T, tentacles; r,r,r,r, four retractor muscles of the proboscis, detached from the points r1, r1 in the body walls; a, anus; ae, esophagus; i, intestine with j1, j2 its loops; x, y, appendages of rectum; z, fusiform mscle; w, ciliated groove of intestine; q, anal muscles; s, caecal glands of t, caeca, the so-called testes; p, pore at end of body; n, nervous cord, ending in a lobed ganglionic mass near the mouth, with an enlargement, g1, posteriorly; m1, m2, muscles associated with the nervous cord." &mdash;Whitney, 1889

Peanut Worm - Interior Anatomy of Adult

Sipunculus nudus. A species of unsegmented marine worm, commonly called the peanut worm. "A, One fourth…

<i>Sipunculus nudus</i>. A species of unsegmented marine worm, commonly called the peanut worm. "B, Larval Sipunculus, about one twelfth of an inch long. o, mouth; oe, esophagus; s, caecal gland; i1, intestine with masses of fatty cells; a, anus; w, ciliated groove of intestine; g, brain with two pairs of red eye-spots; n, nervous cord; p, pore; t, t1, so-called testes; W, W, circlet of cilia." &mdash;Whitney, 1889

Peanut Worm - Interior Anatomy of Larva

Sipunculus nudus. A species of unsegmented marine worm, commonly called the peanut worm. "B, Larval…

Spermatozooid, mature male germ cells, of <i>Adiantum capillus-veneris</i>. Also called spermatozoid.

Spermatozooid of the Southern Maidenhair Fern and Venus Hair Fern

Spermatozooid, mature male germ cells, of Adiantum capillus-veneris. Also called spermatozoid.