The Indigobirds and whydahs, are small passerine birds native to Africa. Some species are also known…
The Indigobirds and whydahs, are small passerine birds native to Africa. Some species are also known…
The Song Sparrow, Melospiza melodia, is a medium-sized American sparrow. Adults have brown upperparts…
The Juncos, genus Junco, are small American sparrows. Their systematics are still very confusing after…
The Chipping Sparrow (Spizella passerina) is a species of American sparrow in the family Emberizidae.…
The White-throated Sparrow, Zonotrichia albicollis, is a passerine bird of the American sparrow family…
The true crows are large passerine birds that comprise the genus Corvus in the family Corvidae. Ranging…
Meadowlarks are birds belonging to the genus Sturnella in the New World family Icteridae. This genus…
The Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) is a passerine bird of the family Icteridae found in…
The Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) is a passerine bird of the family Icteridae found in…
The Bobolink, Dolichonyx oryzivorus, is a small New World blackbird and the only member of genus Dolichonyx.…
The Bobolink, Dolichonyx oryzivorus, is a small New World blackbird and the only member of genus Dolichonyx.…
The Northern Bobwhite, Virginia Quail or (in its home range) Bobwhite Quail (Colinus virginianus) is…
The Northern Bobwhite, Virginia Quail or (in its home range) Bobwhite Quail (Colinus virginianus) is…
The Northern Bobwhite, Virginia Quail or (in its home range) Bobwhite Quail (Colinus virginianus) is…
The Common Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus), is a bird in the pheasant family (Phasianidae). It is native…
The Whip-poor-will or whippoorwill, Caprimulgus vociferus, is a medium-sized (22-27 cm) nightjar from…
The Sand Martin (Riparia riparia) is a migratory passerine bird in the swallow family. This species…
The Purple Martin (Progne subis) is the largest North American swallow at 20 cm length. Adults have…
The Purple Martin (Progne subis) is the largest North American swallow at 20 cm length. Adults have…
The Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata) is a passerine bird, and a member of the family Corvidae native to…
An illustration of a Phoebe's nest in a box. The genus Sayornis is a small group of medium-sized insect-eating…
A species of hummingbird, the Red-Tailed Comet (Sappho sparganura) is native to South America.
From the woodpecker family, the Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) is known for drilling…
"Saurognathous skull of woodpecker (Colaptes auratus). v, v, the posterior parts of the abortive vomer;…
An illustration of a multi level bird house commonly used for Purple Martins.
The Black Phoebe (Sayornis nigricans) is a small bird of the Tyrant Flycatcher family (Tyrannidae).
"Right shoulder-girdle or scapular arch of fowl, showing hp, the hypoclidium; f, furculum; Co, coracoid;…
The scaly ground dove (Scardafella squamosa) is a species of New World doves in the Columbidae family.
Coots , are medium-sized water birds which are members of the rail family Rallidae. They constitute…
The Double-crested Cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) is a member of the cormorant family of seabirds.…
Cranes are large, long-legged and long-necked birds of the order Gruiformes, and family Gruidae. Unlike…
The Brown Creeper (Mohoua novaeseelandiae), also known by its Māori name, Pipipi, is a small…
Curassows are one of the three major groups of cracid birds. Three of the four genera are restricted…
Curlew is the common name for the bird genus Numenius, a group of eight wader species, characterised…
The Great Northern Diver, known in North America as the Common Loon (Gavia immer), is a large member…
Plovers are a widely distributed group of wading birds belonging to the subfamily Charadriinae. They…
A sea eagle (also called erne or ern) is any of a group of birds of prey in the genus Haliaeetus in…
The Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) is a bird of prey found in North America that is most recognizable…
Internal ear of different vertebrates. I, fish; II, bird; III, mammal. Labels: U, utriculus with semicircular…
"Schizognathous skull of common fowl. pmx, premaxilla; mxp, maxillopalatine; mx, maxilla; pl, palatine;…
"Schizorhinal skull of curlew (top view), showing the long cleft, a, between upper and lower forks of…
Cicinnurus respublica: a species of Bird of Paradise in the subgenus Diphyllodes.
"Diagram of plantar aspect of schizopelmous foot of a magpie (Pica caudata), showing the deep plantar…
"Scissirostrum dubium is a species of starling in the Sturnidae family." -Whitney, 1911
The Scissortailed Flycatcher (Milvulus forficatus) is a tyrant flycatcher in the Tyrannidae family.