The head of a Green Woodpecker, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly known as climbing birds. The most important of the families are the cuckoos, the woodpeckers and wry-necks, the parrots, the toucans, the trogons, the barbets, and the plantain-eaters.

Head of a Green Woodpecker

The head of a Green Woodpecker, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds,…

The head of a Great Jacamar, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly known as climbing birds. The most important of the families are the cuckoos, the woodpeckers and wry-necks, the parrots, the toucans, the trogons, the barbets, and the plantain-eaters.

Head of a Great Jacamar

The head of a Great Jacamar, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds,…

Labels: T, thyroid cartilage: C, cricoid cartilage; Tr, trachea; H, hyoid bone; E, epiglottis; I, joint of thyroid cartilage; Ar, arytenoid cartilages.

Back View of the Larynx

Labels: T, thyroid cartilage: C, cricoid cartilage; Tr, trachea; H, hyoid bone; E, epiglottis; I, joint…

The chief organs of the body from the side. Labels: a, arch of the aorta or main artery of the trunk; c, large intestine; d, diaphragm; e, throat; g, lung; k, kidney; l, spinal cord within the back bone; m, main artery divided to go to h legs; n, pancreas; o, gullet; s, spleen; tr, wind pipe; t, main vein of body; ap, appendix.

View of Organs from the Side

The chief organs of the body from the side. Labels: a, arch of the aorta or main artery of the trunk;…

Chief veins and arteries of the body. Labels: a, place of the heart; the veins are in the back. On the right side of the picture the veins just under the skin are shown on the other side the deep vessels near the bones. b, vessels to the lungs.

Veins and Arteries of the Body

Chief veins and arteries of the body. Labels: a, place of the heart; the veins are in the back. On the…

The extensor muscles on the back of the forearm. Note the tendons at the wrist.

Muscles on Forearm

The extensor muscles on the back of the forearm. Note the tendons at the wrist.

A diagram of the bones of the head. Label: 1, frontal lobe; 2, parietal bone; 3, temporal bone; 4, occipital bone; 5, nasal bone; 6, malar bone; 7, upper jaw; 8, os unguis; 9, lower jaw.

Bones of the Head

A diagram of the bones of the head. Label: 1, frontal lobe; 2, parietal bone; 3, temporal bone; 4, occipital…

A diagram of the relative position of the bone, cartilage, and synovial membrane. Labels: 1,The extremities of two bones to form a joint. 2, The cartilage that covers the end of the bone. 3, The synovial membrane, which covers the cartilage of both bones and is then doubled back from one to the other, represented by the dotted lines.

Position of the Bone, Cartilage, and Synovial Membranes

A diagram of the relative position of the bone, cartilage, and synovial membrane. Labels: 1,The extremities…

A skeleton of a cow shown to illustrate the internal skeleton which all vertebrates share. Labels: 1, Frontal bone of the head. 2, Upper jaw (superior maxillary). 3. Lower jaw (inferior maxillary). 4, Cervical vertebrae. 5, Dorsal vertebrae. 6, Lumbar vertebrae. 7 Sacral vertebrae. 8, Caudal vertebrae. 9; Scapula. 10, Humerus. 11, Radius and ulna. 12, Carpus. 13, Metacarpus. 14, Phalanges (toes). 15, Femur. 16, Tibia. 17, Tarsus. 18, Metatarsus. 19, Phalanges.

Skeleton of a Cow

A skeleton of a cow shown to illustrate the internal skeleton which all vertebrates share. Labels: 1,…

A diagram of the external structure of an insect. Labels: 1, The head carrying the eyes and the antennae. 2, First segment of thorax with first pair of legs. 3, The second segment of the thorax with the second pair of legs and the first pair of wings. 4, The third segment of the thorax with the third pair of legs and the second pair of wings. 5, Abdomen without legs.

Diagram of the External Structure of an Insect

A diagram of the external structure of an insect. Labels: 1, The head carrying the eyes and the antennae.…

A human skeleton from the back.

Back View of a Human Skeleton

A human skeleton from the back.

A back view of the cartilages and ligaments of the larynx. Labels: 1, The posterior face of the epiglottis. 3, The os hyoides. 4, The lateral ligaments which connect the os hyoides and thyroid cartilage. 5, The posterior face of the thyroid cartilage. 6, The arytenoid cartilages. 7, The cricoid cartilage. 8, The junction of the cricoid and the arytenoid cartilages. 12, The first ring of the trachea.

A Back View of the Cartilages and Ligaments of the Larynx

A back view of the cartilages and ligaments of the larynx. Labels: 1, The posterior face of the epiglottis.…

In birds the lungs are confined to the back wall of the chest. They are not separated into lobes, but are oblong and flattened in shape, and connected with a series of air-receptacles scattered through various parts of the body. Shown is the right lung of a goose. Labels: 1, A bronchial tube which divides into two tubes that open into the abdominal air-receptacles (2).

The Right Lung of a Goose

In birds the lungs are confined to the back wall of the chest. They are not separated into lobes, but…

In birds the lungs are confined to the back wall of the chest. They are not separated into lobes, but are oblong and flattened in shape, and connected with a series of air-receptacles scattered through various parts of the body. Shown is a section of a bird lung, magnified. Labels: 1, A bronchial tube that ends in a sac (caeca). 2, Division of the bronchial tubes that branch out among lobules. B, A plexus of capillary vessels.

Section of the Lung of a Bird

In birds the lungs are confined to the back wall of the chest. They are not separated into lobes, but…

A back view of the brain and spinal cord. Labels: 1, The cerebrum. 2, The cerebellum. 3, The spinal cord. 4, Nerves of the face. 5, The brachial plexus of nerves. 6, 7, 8, 9, Nerves of the arm. 10, Nerves that pass under the ribs. 11, The lumbar plexus of nerves. 12, The sacral plexus of nerves. 13, 14, 15, 16, Nerves of the lower limbs.

A Back View of the Brain and Spinal Cord

A back view of the brain and spinal cord. Labels: 1, The cerebrum. 2, The cerebellum. 3, The spinal…

"The principal working parts of the apparatus are the sheet of boiler plate a (fig. 100), the cylinder c, the piston head p, the screw s, and conduit plate d...f, frame." -Walcott, 1901

Intrusion Machine

"The principal working parts of the apparatus are the sheet of boiler plate a (fig. 100), the cylinder…

"Leaf of a live-forever (Sedum sp.), with a portion of the epidermis peeled back. Underneath the epidermis is the mesophyll." -Gager, 1916

Sedum Leaf

"Leaf of a live-forever (Sedum sp.), with a portion of the epidermis peeled back. Underneath the epidermis…

The human skull. Labels: 1, frontal lobe; 2, parietal lobe; 3, temporal lobe; 4, the sphenoid bone; 5, ethmoid bone; 6, superior maxillary (upper jaw) bone; 7, malar bone; 8, lachrymal bone; 9, nasal bone; 10, inferior maxillary (lower jaw) bone.

The Skull

The human skull. Labels: 1, frontal lobe; 2, parietal lobe; 3, temporal lobe; 4, the sphenoid bone;…

The spine showing the seven vertebrae of the neck, cervical; the twelve of the back, dorsal; the five of the loins, lumbar; the sacrum (a), and the coccyx (b), comprising the nine "false vertebrae".

The Spine

The spine showing the seven vertebrae of the neck, cervical; the twelve of the back, dorsal; the five…

The muscles of the right eye. Labels: A, superior straight; B, superior oblique passing through a pulley, D; G, inferior oblique; H, external straight, and , back of it, the internal straight muscle.

Muscles of the Eye

The muscles of the right eye. Labels: A, superior straight; B, superior oblique passing through a pulley,…

The heart of a frog (Rana esculenta) from the back. Labels: s.v., sinus venosus opened; c.s.s., left vena cava superior; c.s.d., right vena cava superior; c.i., vena cava inferior; v.p., vena pulmonales; A.d., right auricle; A.s., left auricle; A.p., opening of communication between the right auricle and the sinus venosus.

Heart of a Frog

The heart of a frog (Rana esculenta) from the back. Labels: s.v., sinus venosus opened; c.s.s., left…

Outline showing the general form of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi, as seen from behind. Labels: h, the great cornu of the hyoid bone; e,epiglottis; t, superior cornu of the thyroid cartilage ; t1, inferior cornu of the thyroid cartilage; a, points to the back of both the arytenoid cartilages, which are surmounted by the cornicula; c, the middle ridge on the back of the cricoid cartilage; tr, the posterior membranous part of the trachea; b, b1, right and left bronchi.

Back View of Respiratory Apparatus

Outline showing the general form of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi, as seen from behind. Labels: h,…

The axes of rotation of rib movement is two; one corresponding with a line drawn through two articulations which the ribs forms with the spine (a, b); and the other with a line drawn from one of these (head of rib) to the sternum (A, B); the motion of the rib around the latter axis being somewhat after the fashion of raising the handle of a bucket.

Movement of Ribs

The axes of rotation of rib movement is two; one corresponding with a line drawn through two articulations…

The Renaissance bedstead was large in size, it was placed on a podium with a raised head-board. It had a canopy frame that was adorned with drapery and hangings.

Renaissance Bedstead

The Renaissance bedstead was large in size, it was placed on a podium with a raised head-board. It had…

The Renaissance bedstead was large in size, it was placed on a podium with a raised head-board. It had a canopy frame that was adorned with drapery and hangings.

Renaissance Bedstead

The Renaissance bedstead was large in size, it was placed on a podium with a raised head-board. It had…

This Roman bedstead had a Pompeian vase-painting. It included a head and foot board. It was made out of wood and metal and sometimes precious materials such as ivory.

Roman Bedstead

This Roman bedstead had a Pompeian vase-painting. It included a head and foot board. It was made out…

This Renaissance bedstead was French and had a cradle head-board with gilt ornaments.

Renaissance Bedstead

This Renaissance bedstead was French and had a cradle head-board with gilt ornaments.

The cane chair's seat or back is of woven cane-work or padded. The Chair is termed "cane" meaning upholstered.

Modern Cane Chair

The cane chair's seat or back is of woven cane-work or padded. The Chair is termed "cane" meaning upholstered.

The cane chair's seat or back is of woven cane-work or padded. The Chair is termed "cane" meaning upholstered.

Modern cane chair

The cane chair's seat or back is of woven cane-work or padded. The Chair is termed "cane" meaning upholstered.

The back of the Egyptian chair is treated as a frame.

Egyptian Chair

The back of the Egyptian chair is treated as a frame.

The German 17th century chair had openings for the hand that were carved into the wooden back of the chair. This was done for convenience in moving the chair.

German 17th Century Chair

The German 17th century chair had openings for the hand that were carved into the wooden back of the…

The German 17th century chair had openings for the hand that were carved into the wooden back of the chair. This was done for convenience in moving the chair.

German 17th Century Chair

The German 17th century chair had openings for the hand that were carved into the wooden back of the…

The German 17th century chair had openings for the hand that were carved into the wooden back of the chair. This was done for convenience in moving the chair.

German 17th Century Chair

The German 17th century chair had openings for the hand that were carved into the wooden back of the…

The modern chair's top of the back is horizontal and is crowned with a cornice or an ornament.

Modern Chair

The modern chair's top of the back is horizontal and is crowned with a cornice or an ornament.

Brain of dog, viewed from above and in profile. F, frontal fissure sometimes termed crucial sulcus, corresponding to the fissure of Rolando in man. S, fissure of Sylvius, around which the four longitudinal convolutions are concentrically arranged; 1, flexion of head on the neck, in the median line; 2, flexion of head on the anterior limb; 5, 6, flexion and extension of posterior limb; 7, 8, 9, contraction of orbicularis oculi, and the facial muscles in general. The unshaded part in that exposed by the opening of the skull.

Brain of a Dog

Brain of dog, viewed from above and in profile. F, frontal fissure sometimes termed crucial sulcus,…

Diagrams of monkey's brain to show the effects of electric stimulation of certain spots. Labels: 1. causes movement of supination and flexion of forearm; 7, elevation of the upper lip; 8, conjoint action of elevation of upper lip and depression of lower; 9, opening mouth and protrusion of tongue; 10, retraction of tongue; 11, action of platysma; 12, elevation of eyebrows and eyelids, dilation of pupils, and turning head to opposite side and upwards, with usually contraction of the pupils; 13', similar action, but eyes usually directed downwards; 14, retraction of opposite ear, head turn to the opposite side, the eyes widely opened, and pupils dilated; 15, stimulation of this regions, which corresponds to the tip of the uncinate convolution, caused torsion of the lip and nostril of the same side.

Brain of a Monkey to Show effects of Electric Stimulation

Diagrams of monkey's brain to show the effects of electric stimulation of certain spots. Labels: 1.…

Diagrammatic view of the Sympathetic cord of the right side, showing its connections with the principal cerebrospinal nerves and the main prae-aortic plexuses. Cerebrospinal nerves. VI, a portion of the sixth cranial as it passes through the cavernous sinus, receiving two twigs from the carotid plexus of the sympathetic nerve; O, opthalmic ganglion connected by a twig with the carotid plexus; M, connection of the spheno-palatine ganglion by the Vidian nerve with the carotid plexus; C, cervical plexus; Br, brachial plexus; D 6, sixth intercostal nerve; D 12, twelfth; L 3, third lumbar nerve; S 5, fifth; Cr, anterior crural nerve winding round the subclavian artery. Sympathetic Cord. c, superior cervical ganglion; c', second or middle; c", inferior; from each of these ganglia cardiac nerves (all deep on this side) are seen descending to the cardiac plexus; d 1, placed immediately below the first dorsal sympathetic ganglion; d 6, is opposite he sixth; l 1, first lumbar ganglion. Preaortic and Visceral Plexuses. p, pharyngeal, and, lower down, laryngeal plexus; pl, post-pulmonary plexus spreading from the vagus on the back of the right bronchus; c a,on the aorta , the cardiac plexus, towards which , in addition to the cardiac nerves from the three cervical sympathetic ganglia, other branches are seen descending from the vagus and recurrent nerves; co, right or posterior and co1, left or an. coronary plexus; o, esophageal plexus in long meshes on the gullet; sp, great splanchnic nerve formed by branched from the fifth, sixth, seventh, eight, and ninth dorsal ganglia; +, small splanchnic from the ninth and tenth; ++, smallest or third splanchnic from the eleventh: the first and second of theses are shown joining the solar plexus, s o; the third descending to the renal plexus, r e; connecting branches between the solar plexus and the vagi are also represented; pn', above the place where the right vagus passes to the lower or posterior surface of the stomach; pn", the left distribution on the anterior side or upper surface of the cardiac portion of the organ: from the solar plexus large branches are seen surrounding the arteries of the coeliac axis, and descending from the solar and sup. mesenteric plexuses and from the lumbar ganglia; mi, the inf. mesenteric plexus surrounding the corresponding artery; hy, hypogastric plexus; pl, the right pelvic or inf. hypogastric plexuses; pl, the right pelvic plexus; from this the nerves descending are joined by those from the plexus on the sup. hemorrhoidal vessels, mi', by nerves from the third and fourth sacral spinal nerves, and there are thus formed the rectal, vesical, and other plexuses, which ramify upon the viscera, ,as towards ir, and v, the rectum and bladder.

Sympathetic System

Diagrammatic view of the Sympathetic cord of the right side, showing its connections with the principal…

The hammer-bone or malleus, seen from the front. 1, the head; 2, neck; 3, short process; 4, long process.


The hammer-bone or malleus, seen from the front. 1, the head; 2, neck; 3, short process; 4, long process.

The stapes on stirrup-bone. 1, base; 2 and 3, arch; 4, head of bone, which articulates with orbicular process of the incus; 5, constricted part of the neck; 6, one of the crura.

Stapes on Stirrup-Bone

The stapes on stirrup-bone. 1, base; 2 and 3, arch; 4, head of bone, which articulates with orbicular…

"Chicory (Cichorium Intybus). A, portion of flowering branch; B, basal leaf (runcinate-pinnatifid); C, median longitudinal section through a head, showing the insertion of the flowers; D, individual flower; E, fruit (ripened ovary), showing the persistent pappus (calyx) of short scales." -Gager, 1916

Common Chicory

"Chicory (Cichorium Intybus). A, portion of flowering branch; B, basal leaf (runcinate-pinnatifid);…

"A composite (Coreopsis sp.). A, B, E, views of the inflorescence or head; C, a ray-flower; D, section through the head; F, a disc-flower in bud; G, disc-flower just opened; H, older disc-flower, the stigmas reflexed; I, disc-flower with corolla removed." -Gager, 1916


"A composite (Coreopsis sp.). A, B, E, views of the inflorescence or head; C, a ray-flower; D, section…

Spermatozoa of the salamander (1) and human (2). Labels: a, long pointed head; b, elliptical structure ; c, filiform body; d, fine filament; e, homogeneous membrane.

Spermatozoa of a Salamander and Human

Spermatozoa of the salamander (1) and human (2). Labels: a, long pointed head; b, elliptical structure…

Embryo chick (36 hours), viewed from beneath as a transparent object (magnified). Labels:pl, outline of pellucid area; FB, forebrain, or first cerebral vesicle: from its sides project op, the optic vesicles; SO, backward limit of somatopleure fold, "tucked in", under head; A, head-fold of true amnion; a', reflected layer of amnion, sometimes termed "false amnion;" sp, backward limit of splanchnopleure folds, along which run the omphalomesaraic veins uniting to form h, the heart, which is continued forwards into ba, the bulbus arteriosus; d, the foregut, lying behind the heart, and having a wide crescentic opening between the splanchnopleure folds; HB, hindbrain; MB, midbrain; pv, protovertebrae lying behind the foregut; mc, line of junction of medullary folds and of notochord; ch, front end of notochord; vpl, vertebral plated; pr, the primitive groove at its caudal end.

Embryo Chick

Embryo chick (36 hours), viewed from beneath as a transparent object (magnified). Labels:pl, outline…

Diagrammatic section showing the relation in a mammal between the primitive alimentary canal and the membranes of the ovum. The stage represented in this diagram corresponds to that of the fifteenth or seventeenth day in the human embryo, previous to the expansion of the allantois; c, the villous chorion; a, the amnion; a', the place of convergence of the amnion and reflexion of the false amnion a", or outer or corneous layer; e, the head and trunk of the embryo, comprising the primitive vertebrae and cerebrospinal axis; i, the simple alimentary canal in its upper and lower portions. Immediately beneath the right hand i is seen the fetal heart, lying in the anterior part of the pleuroperitoneal cavity; v, the yolk sac or umbilical vesicle; vi, the vitellointestinal opening; u, the allantois connected by a pedicle with the anal portion of the alimentary canal.

Membranes of the Ovum

Diagrammatic section showing the relation in a mammal between the primitive alimentary canal and the…

A, Magnified view of the head and neck of a human embryo of three weeks. Labels: 1, anterior cerebral vesicle or cerebrum; 2, middle cerebral vesicle; 3, middle or frontonasal process; 4, superior maxillary process, or first visceral arch, and below it the first cleft; 7, 8, 9, second, third, and fourth arches and clefts. B, Anterior view of the head of a human fetus of about the fifth week. 1, 2, 3, 5, the same parts as in A; 4, the external nasal or lateral frontal process: 6, the superior maxillary process; 7, the lower jaw; X, the tongue; 8, first branchial cleft becoming the meatus auditorius externus.

Head of an Embryo

A, Magnified view of the head and neck of a human embryo of three weeks. Labels: 1, anterior cerebral…

Showing the lines which indicate the position of the principal fissures of the brain.

Principle Fissures of the Brain

Showing the lines which indicate the position of the principal fissures of the brain.

The convolutionary projections of the precentral gyrus, and their relationship to motor areas.

Precentral Gyrus in the Brain

The convolutionary projections of the precentral gyrus, and their relationship to motor areas.

Upper and middle trunks of the brachial plexus viewed from behind to show how depression of the shoulder or lateral abduction of the head may produce stretching and injury of the nerve cords.

Brachial Plexus

Upper and middle trunks of the brachial plexus viewed from behind to show how depression of the shoulder…

Red Wood Ant worker's head. "Workers supply all the food and are the builders of their wonderful colonies."

Red Wood Ant Worker's Head

Red Wood Ant worker's head. "Workers supply all the food and are the builders of their wonderful colonies."

A large moth named for the skull-like image upon its thorax.

Death's Head Moth

A large moth named for the skull-like image upon its thorax.

Transverse section through the middle of the thigh. Labels: a, Rectus femoris; b, vastus externus; c, crureus; d, vastus internus; e, short head of biceps; f, long head of biceps; g, semitendinosus; h, semimembranosus; i, adductor magnus; j, gracilis; k, adductor longus; l, sartorius; 1, femoral artery; 2, great sciatic nerve; 3, great saphenous vein; 6, perforating branches from profunda; 7, small sciatic nerve.

Transverse Section Through the Thigh

Transverse section through the middle of the thigh. Labels: a, Rectus femoris; b, vastus externus; c,…

Vertical section of knee joint distended with fluid. Labels: a, Vastus externus; b, crureus; c, short head, and d, long head of biceps; e, plantaris; f, gastrocnemius; g, popliteus; h, soleus; i, tibialis posticus; j, bursa patellae; k, ligamentum patellae; l, ligamentum mucosum; m, anterior crucial ligament; n, external semilunar cartilage. 1, external popliteal nerve; 2, popliteal artery.

Vertical Section of the Knee Joint

Vertical section of knee joint distended with fluid. Labels: a, Vastus externus; b, crureus; c, short…

Oblique anteroposterior section of foot, to show the synovial cavities of the tarsus. Labels: 1, tibia; 2, fibula; 3, astragalus; 4, os calcis; 5, external lateral ligament; 6, internal lateral ligament; 7, interosseous ligament between astragalus and os calcis; 8, head of astragalus; 9, scaphoid; 10, 11, and 12, the three cuneiform bones; 13, cuboid.

Oblique Anteroposterior Section of

Oblique anteroposterior section of foot, to show the synovial cavities of the tarsus. Labels: 1, tibia;…

The head of the bald eagle.

Bald Eagle Head

The head of the bald eagle.

An innocent, angelic looking boy with a halo above his head.

Angelic Boy

An innocent, angelic looking boy with a halo above his head.

The head of Michelangelo's sculpture, David.


The head of Michelangelo's sculpture, David.

"The Common Calmar or Squid. They propel themselves backward through the water with great velocity, driving back the water by means of their funnel."

Loligo Vulgaris, with its pen, or internal bone (Lamarck)

"The Common Calmar or Squid. They propel themselves backward through the water with great velocity,…

"The Common Calmar or Squid. They propel themselves backward through the water with great velocity, driving back the water by means of their funnel."

Loligo Gahi (d'Orbigny)

"The Common Calmar or Squid. They propel themselves backward through the water with great velocity,…

"Among some Crustaceans there is neither thorax, nor abdomen, nor head, but all three form only one mass, often short and squat, as in the Four-horned Spider-crab."

Pisa Tetraodon

"Among some Crustaceans there is neither thorax, nor abdomen, nor head, but all three form only one…

"The Pipe-fish has the head small, the snout long, nearly cylindrical, slightly raised at the end. The fish is about twenty inches long."

The Pipefish (Syngnathus acus)

"The Pipe-fish has the head small, the snout long, nearly cylindrical, slightly raised at the end. The…