"The Common Plaice attains a length of twelve to eighteen inches. On the eye side of the head are some osseous tubercles; the body is smooth."

The Common Plaice (Platessa Vulgaris)

"The Common Plaice attains a length of twelve to eighteen inches. On the eye side of the head are some…

Friar Roger Bacon and the servant Miles with the brazen head from the play, The Honourable History of Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay by Robert Greene.

Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay

Friar Roger Bacon and the servant Miles with the brazen head from the play, The Honourable History of…

"When the female has laid her eggs, the male takes them and piles them on her back." Her skin becomes inflamed until the eggs are absorbed into her skin.

Surinam Toad

"When the female has laid her eggs, the male takes them and piles them on her back." Her skin becomes…

"From the head, backward to the tail, the body feathers increase in strength and size, also alter in form; those on the face, or around the base of the bill, being the smallest, the tail coverts longest."


"From the head, backward to the tail, the body feathers increase in strength and size, also alter in…

"From the head, backward to the tail, the body feathers increase in strength and size, also alter in form; those on the face, or around the base of the bill, being the smallest, the tail coverts longest."


"From the head, backward to the tail, the body feathers increase in strength and size, also alter in…

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance, differing both in form and thickness, according to the habits of the species."

Bill of Eagle

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance,…

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance, differing both in form and thickness, according to the habits of the species."

Bill of Toucan

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance,…

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance, differing both in form and thickness, according to the habits of the species."

Bill of Cormorant

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance,…

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance, differing both in form and thickness, according to the habits of the species."

Bill of Crane

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance,…

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance, differing both in form and thickness, according to the habits of the species."

Bill of Goose

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance,…

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance, differing both in form and thickness, according to the habits of the species."

Bill of Sparrow

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance,…

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance, differing both in form and thickness, according to the habits of the species."

Bill of Cuckoo

"The beak or bill of birds is composed of two bony pieces, called mandibles, surrounded by a horny substance,…

"The Great Black-backed Gull is one of the most remarkable among sea-gulls. It is pure white, with a black back.

Great Black-backed Gull

"The Great Black-backed Gull is one of the most remarkable among sea-gulls. It is pure white, with a…

"The Crested Crane has the top of its head adorned with a tuft of feathers, which it has the power of spreading out like a fan, so as to form a handsome ornament."

Crested Crane

"The Crested Crane has the top of its head adorned with a tuft of feathers, which it has the power of…

"These birds have as distinctive features a short beak, a small head, a round and massive body, bare tarsi, with spurs more or less developed, and a medium-sized back toe."

Pin-Tailed Sand-Grouse

"These birds have as distinctive features a short beak, a small head, a round and massive body, bare…

"The Harpy or Crested Eagle is the model species of the genus to which it belongs. It measures nearly five feet from the extremity of the head to that of the tail."

Harpy-Eagle (Harpyia Destructor)

"The Harpy or Crested Eagle is the model species of the genus to which it belongs. It measures nearly…

"The thorax, the second primary division of the body of insects, plays almost as important a part as the head."

Thorax of Acrocinus Longimanus

"The thorax, the second primary division of the body of insects, plays almost as important a part as…

A: Abdominal portion of the dorsal vesselB: Aortic or thoracic portionC: Air-vessels of the headD: Air-vessels of the abdomen

Organs of Circulation and Breathing in an Insect

A: Abdominal portion of the dorsal vessel B: Aortic or thoracic portion C: Air-vessels of the head D:…

"The Head-louse is an insect with a flat body, slightly transparent, and of a grayish color."

Louse (Pediculus Capitis)

"The Head-louse is an insect with a flat body, slightly transparent, and of a grayish color."

"The head of the gnat with its two eyes, its antennae and trunk. Their eyes, covered with network, are so large that they cover nearly the whole head."

Magnified Head of Gnat

"The head of the gnat with its two eyes, its antennae and trunk. Their eyes, covered with network, are…

"The larva makes a small tunnel in the sand, having a conical mouth, where it waits, like the spider, immovable. As soon as an insect falls into the hole, it raises its head, and squeezing its prey in the folds of its body, devours it."

Vermilea de Geeri

"The larva makes a small tunnel in the sand, having a conical mouth, where it waits, like the spider,…

"It is not dangerous to man, but its sting kills the ox, the horse, the sheep and the dog, and renders the countries of Central Africa uninhabitable for those animals."

Head of Tsetse-Fly (Glossina Morsitans)

"It is not dangerous to man, but its sting kills the ox, the horse, the sheep and the dog, and renders…

"Ashy color, with the face black, the sides of the head yellow, and the forehead yellow with black stripes."

House-Fly (Musca Domestica)

"Ashy color, with the face black, the sides of the head yellow, and the forehead yellow with black stripes."

Round head and flat head screws compared.

Wood Screws

Round head and flat head screws compared.

The hex head bolt and nut illustrated and head, diameter, pitch, and lenght identified.

Hex Head Bolt

The hex head bolt and nut illustrated and head, diameter, pitch, and lenght identified.

Flat head screw countersunk (set flush) into wood.

Wood Screw Countersunk

Flat head screw countersunk (set flush) into wood.

Back view of scapula.

Back View of Scapula

Back view of scapula.

Back view of the trunk.

Back View of the Bones of the Trunk

Back view of the trunk.

Back view of the femur.

Back View of the Femur

Back view of the femur.

Back view of muscles of the calf.

Back View of the Muscles of the Calf

Back view of muscles of the calf.

Front view of the bones of the forearm

Back View of the Bones of the Forearm

Front view of the bones of the forearm

Diagram showing the position of the pelvic and thigh bones in back view in the male and female.

Position of the Pelvic and Thigh Bones in the Male and Female

Diagram showing the position of the pelvic and thigh bones in back view in the male and female.

At birth the head measures about 4 times into height. At 5 years the head measures about 6 times into height. In the adult about 7 1/2 times into height.

Relation of Head to Height by Age

At birth the head measures about 4 times into height. At 5 years the head measures about 6 times into…

"Female Cicada Laying her Eggs in the Groove She has Bored in the Branch of a Tree. While the female does not sing, she is given an organ which is of more practical value. This is a sort of an auger, destined to penetrate the back of the branches of trees."

Female Cicada Laying her Eggs

"Female Cicada Laying her Eggs in the Groove She has Bored in the Branch of a Tree. While the female…

Back view of a man. On one lateral the names of the parts are given in English, on the other in Latin.

Back View of the Parts of the Human Body Labeled in English and Latin

Back view of a man. On one lateral the names of the parts are given in English, on the other in Latin.

Side view of a fetal skull. The coronal suture extends from the top of the head downwards on either side to the point E; the lambdoidal suture from the back forward, on either side to the point F. The sagittal suture is not shown, but is indicated by the upper margin of the illustration, beginning at the base of the nose, passing backward across the coronal suture (anterior fontanelle), and ending at the lambdoidal suture (posterior fontanelle).

Side View of Fetal Skull

Side view of a fetal skull. The coronal suture extends from the top of the head downwards on either…

An engraving of St. Christopher crossing the river carrying Jesus on his back.

St. Christopher

An engraving of St. Christopher crossing the river carrying Jesus on his back.

Superior maxillary bone and the bony sinuses of the head.

Superior Maxillary Bone and Sinuses

Superior maxillary bone and the bony sinuses of the head.

"Represents the Looper caterpillar, with four membranous legs. If one of these caterpillars, lying quiet at full length, determines to walk, in order to take its first step it begins by humping its back, curving into an arch that part which has no legs, and finishes by [lying flat]"

Looper Caterpillar

"Represents the Looper caterpillar, with four membranous legs. If one of these caterpillars, lying quiet…

"Represents the Looper caterpillar, with four membranous legs. If one of these caterpillars, lying quiet at full length, determines to walk, in order to take its first step it begins by humping its back, curving into an arch that part which has no legs, and finishes by [lying flat]"

Looper Caterpillar Curved into an Arch

"Represents the Looper caterpillar, with four membranous legs. If one of these caterpillars, lying quiet…

"Represents the Looper caterpillar, with four membranous legs. If one of these caterpillars, lying quiet at full length, determines to walk, in order to take its first step it begins by humping its back, curving into an arch that part which has no legs, and finishes by [lying at full length]"

Looper Caterpillar at Full Length

"Represents the Looper caterpillar, with four membranous legs. If one of these caterpillars, lying quiet…

"They select some convenient spot, where they hang themselves up, head downward."

Caterpillars of the Small Tortoise-shell Butterfly (Vanessa Urticae) Undergoing Their Metamorphoses

"They select some convenient spot, where they hang themselves up, head downward."

"Shows how the head advances over half the circumference of the circle which it has to describe, and secures the end of the thread against the support."

Caterpillars of the Cabbage-Butterfly

"Shows how the head advances over half the circumference of the circle which it has to describe, and…

"The head of the angular pupae terminates sometimes in two angular parts, which diverge from each other like two horns."

Angular Pupa of a Butterfly

"The head of the angular pupae terminates sometimes in two angular parts, which diverge from each other…

"In this early state one recognizes the head, which is then resting on the thorax; the two eyes and the antennae, which are brought forward like two ribbons; the wings are also brought over the thorax, but these are separated artificially in the drawing we have given; and lastly, in the space left between the wings, the six legs and the body of the insect."

Chrysalis of the Large Tortoise Shell Butterfly (Vanessa Polychloros)

"In this early state one recognizes the head, which is then resting on the thorax; the two eyes and…

Skull and mandible, lateral view.

Skull and Mandible

Skull and mandible, lateral view.

Base of skull.

Base of Skull

Base of skull.

Base of skull from within.

Base of Skull from Within

Base of skull from within.

Median section of the skull and mandible, viewed from the left.

Median Section of the Skull and Mandible

Median section of the skull and mandible, viewed from the left.

Cutaneous nerve areas of the head and neck.

Surface Areas of Nerves of the Head and Neck

Cutaneous nerve areas of the head and neck.

Frontal section of the head passing through the parietal and occipital cerebral lobes and he cerebellar hemispheres, viewed from behind.

Frontal Section of the Head

Frontal section of the head passing through the parietal and occipital cerebral lobes and he cerebellar…

The letter H surround by geese and a young girl peeking back.

The letter H

The letter H surround by geese and a young girl peeking back.

"Make the little vases of large punk rosebuds; those begining to unfold are the best. Peel off the outside petals, and grasping each bud in turn near its base with the thumb and first two fingers gently work it back and forth until it is loosened and can be removed entire without damage. Stand each base on a level surface and gather spears of grass on to place in them." -Beard, 1906

Rosebud vase

"Make the little vases of large punk rosebuds; those begining to unfold are the best. Peel off the outside…

"Use the entire blossom mingled with buds and green leaves, all short stemmed, not longer than three or four inches. Bind the stems with string on a circle made of a piece of willow or some other pliable material, and be sure to removed the thorns from all them stems before weaving the wreath." -Beard, 1906

Wreath of roses

"Use the entire blossom mingled with buds and green leaves, all short stemmed, not longer than three…

The Death's Head Hawk Moth will bury itself in the earth to change into a chrysalis of a bright chestnut brown.

Chrysalis of Death's Head Hawk Moth

The Death's Head Hawk Moth will bury itself in the earth to change into a chrysalis of a bright chestnut…

Frontal section of the head, passing through external and internal auditory meatus, as seen from in front.

Frontal Section of Head

Frontal section of the head, passing through external and internal auditory meatus, as seen from in…

Section two inches above supraorbital border. Upper surface. The (*) on right indicates subaponeurotic tissue. (*) on left indicates pia mater.

Cross Section of Head

Section two inches above supraorbital border. Upper surface. The (*) on right indicates subaponeurotic…

Section of head 4 cm above supraorbital border.

Cross Section of Head 4 cm above Supraorbital Border

Section of head 4 cm above supraorbital border.

Section of head 3 cm above supraorbital border.

Cross Section of Head 3 cm above Supraorbital Border

Section of head 3 cm above supraorbital border.

Section of head 2 cm above orbit.

Cross Section of Head 2 cm above Supraorbital Orbit

Section of head 2 cm above orbit.